Jonko on May 18, 2009
A quick/late update. I just couldn't get myself to shade those curtains in the back!!! (I hate my backgrounds because they take so long and then look terrible anyway). I'm considering busting out 400 dollars (US) this summer to go to a short term manga school That's for 5 classes. I wonder if it will be a waste… I feel like if it's in Japan though, even if the course sucks I'll be twice as good by the end of it (coz they're so damn good!).
But for now I must focus my attention on China. Apparently my Chinese is getting much better! I'm actually having conversations with some people now!!!
Oh yeah but about the page… So yeah Lui obviously has some family issues that she needs to sort out. I guess she's a legacy of sorts though. No one would be able to head their own squad at age 16 unless they were the daughter of the director. So unfair. I love drawing pages like this where Lui's the victim though! Expect more torturing!!!
Saillestraife: Thanks for checking it out! I'm glad you like it!
Theskunktrainer: Thanks for the comment. I'm actually pretty pleased with how that panel came out too :p
Aghammer: Unfortunately, it's pretty hard to get into the CSA. The prerequisite is to get into a crazy place called Jonko's mind. If you're willing to do that I'm sure they can find a spot for you!
Emily Elizabeth: Glad we're favoriting all of each other's comics! Can't wait to see more of your work!
usedbooks: Thanks for commenting!
TheFuture at 5:13PM, May 31, 2010
I read the banner, and tried reading it from right to left. It just confused me. =P
Yukilee at 3:43PM, Feb. 23, 2010
i cant wait till u add to ur comic
sakebento at 9:24AM, Nov. 16, 2009
Hey, interesting story! I hope that I'll get to read more soon. ^-^
WTHecksicle at 1:48PM, Sept. 24, 2009
Great comic.
Poink at 9:03AM, July 10, 2009
Neat! I love the first panel. Nicely found.
theorah at 11:04AM, July 2, 2009
oooh emotional! You should go to the manga class, Im sure you'll get something out of it, would be worth the money I think :) I learnt alot from my Uni course (its specifically for comics)
Nokomis at 3:09PM, June 21, 2009
ohhh harsh adoptive father...
Kristen Gudsnuk at 8:33PM, June 12, 2009
hey this made me think of you: [url=http://jeftoon01.deviantart.com/art/Mr-and-Dr-Mrs-The-Monarch-117394682]doctor girlfriend![/url]
Soriyu at 6:15PM, June 2, 2009
Ooo, so cold! XD I've always wondered how manga is taught in Japan. And I second Kristen's position - shaaa~re shaaa~re! :3
Kristen Gudsnuk at 10:34PM, June 1, 2009
oh and congrats on getting better at chinese! suan-le.. (I think that means never mind?)
Kristen Gudsnuk at 10:33PM, June 1, 2009
D: what a jerkface he is!! "I adopted you solely for power-trip reasons." lol jk OOOH OMG MANGA SCHOOL?!?!? *drools everywhere* *cleans it up, embarrassed* that sounds like the coolest thing ever. $400 is a little steep, but, but, but...! DO IT! if you end up going, please impart to me the secrets... o_O
ghostrunner at 1:27AM, May 27, 2009
"direct father" doesnt cut it either :) faved!
usedbooks at 12:57PM, May 21, 2009
Call him what? Director or father?
TokyoRose at 8:51PM, May 20, 2009
This is such a good read...I'm coming back for more. ^_^ Oh a manga school...I've heard of those...I hope it will be worth it for you.
Aghammer at 6:03PM, May 19, 2009
He's kinda a BUTT!! Manga school... how cool is that... I would do it :) Jonko's mind????? Ah, noooo... don't think I want it that bad!! :D
Theskunktrainer at 1:13PM, May 19, 2009
helloooo daddy. sounds like an expensive class but i bet it would be worth it!
Avie at 10:07AM, May 19, 2009
Family issues indeed..
Lamiah at 9:39AM, May 19, 2009
Nice work on the page, and I bet the manga school will be fun xD Good luck if you decide to go!