#1 Procrastination Hurts
RapidoBlue on July 6, 2007
Well, page 1, my first attempt with photoshop, i did my cover after this page, at first i liked it, but when ya photoshop it, you look at all your mistakes zoomed in >_> so now i dont like it as much… oh well better luck next time
simonitro at 11:48AM, March 25, 2008
Good Lord, a shot to the head with a shovel could get someone killed... eeeehhh... that's sure one scary lady. O_O
armandoB at 8:32AM, Aug. 25, 2007
that's pretty funny haha
xXDaRkEnEdXx at 10:07AM, Aug. 9, 2007
omg! LOL thats funny! I like your drawing style!
Demeter at 6:23PM, Aug. 8, 2007
I'm really lucky no one near my house has much use for a shovel, or I wouldn't be able to breathe for the headwounds.
Byakko at 1:14PM, Aug. 1, 2007
Scary Lady O_O
Priceman at 9:11PM, July 25, 2007
Nice page. I like the way the panels are arranged. Original but not confusing.
usagi13 at 12:54PM, July 25, 2007
wow she's scary. love your comic ^O^
usagi13 at 12:52PM, July 25, 2007
wow she's scary. love your comic ^O^
TheMidge28 at 4:25AM, July 25, 2007
Great penciling. Do you draw the panels seperately and then put them on one sheet? What would this looked like inked and colored?
Windsofdeath at 5:33AM, July 10, 2007
Dude... you are amazing at anime hair and eyes... I feel envy. you must teach me O_O (By the way... IT'S DAVID!!!)
The Joel at 11:33AM, July 8, 2007
Heheheh, I lol'd. xD The facial expressions are gold, and the little labels add to the humor. This is deserving of the five and the fav. ...The Fav Five. ...the Fa-hive?
Pacifier8007 at 11:32PM, July 7, 2007
Rofl, i love the "*pain" part at the end. xD
RapidoBlue at 7:38PM, July 7, 2007
Thankyou, i learned speech bubbles from commic turtorials here on DD, also for those who dont know ELPuppetter is my assistant, so dont let him scare you from putting comments... i eat the comments up like candy >_>
Sir_Ryan at 5:46PM, July 7, 2007
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! thats good =] one question. How do you do speech bubbles? lol i dnt know 5 stars *****
ElPuppeteer at 5:01PM, July 7, 2007
...squiggles of fear? Heh, I remember the first time I saw this. It had no word bubbles and I had no idea what was going on. You've really improved it.