OwlGem on Aug. 9, 2009
LOL this one time really cracks me up…we were in invention class and we had to come up with names for some multifunction washing machine…and Guy thought he'd get some lol's by putting on a german accent
it crashed like the Hindenburg
Limzee at 6:28AM, June 5, 2010
Uwah, this is such a cool comic. :D Why, hiatus, why? Dx
webcomics heh at 1:36PM, Sept. 29, 2009
Awwwwwww... Don't cry Snape.
McFadyn at 11:00PM, Aug. 17, 2009
looking good, hope to see more from you
Monstro at 9:53PM, Aug. 15, 2009
LoL Awesome. Fave'd
anyannieany at 9:58AM, Aug. 15, 2009
Ryjia at 1:16AM, Aug. 11, 2009
pffrt XD I love the emo corner though
_haleyc at 7:39PM, Aug. 10, 2009
Oh god, this is hilarious. I can just stare at it and laugh!