Farewell from Catching a Common Fox
Soriyu on Sept. 5, 2009
Though I am sorry to have to disappoint my faithful readers (reaching over 50 favourites after the last update) - you guys have been fantastic and I can't thank you enough for your continued support - this is where Catching a Common Fox will come to and end. It was no easy decision! Believe me! After I completed chapter 2 I looked back at my work from 2007. I wanted to fix up the older pages, but the improvements I wanted to do threatened the very foundations of the story itself. I suppose it just goes to show that it's not such a great idea to start a story from a single page of character design and a head full of juicy bits.
In any case, I don't regret the time I've spent on this project. On the contrary, I've gained so much experience and knowledge of the task already that I'm sure my next project will be much better off for it. So once again thankyou all very much for reading, do your best with your own comics (which I hope to read the updates of soon) and I shall be back again soon! Love!
lucas at 4:50PM, Oct. 12, 2009
haha, i feel the same way about my stories, the beginnings are all so crapy and I always re-start them, but Now i have like 5 versions of the same story and just the beginning of it on all of them. So I thought I would just go on with the ideas I have right now, and when I finish the whole thing, if it's worth it, I will re-start it and do something with it, haha. But who knows... :P And I really liked your story!! ;) good luck anyways!