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havocked on June 22, 2007
… yay full body shot of the Lane. And those are the gayest knee-high socks I ever did see. Yep.
hehehej at 7:46AM, Nov. 28, 2009
plzz update !!! O.O
Emma_Clare at 3:48AM, July 8, 2007
uh oh... this looks bad...
SomaX at 8:51PM, June 23, 2007
Nice. I wish I could read the teeny tiny print on that book, you're torturing me with curiocity.
kohitsuji at 6:09PM, June 23, 2007
wish I had stripeded knee-high socks >: even if they are gay, they're still way cool! D:
hehehej at 7:46AM, Nov. 28, 2009
plzz update !!! O.O
Emma_Clare at 3:48AM, July 8, 2007
uh oh... this looks bad...
SomaX at 8:51PM, June 23, 2007
Nice. I wish I could read the teeny tiny print on that book, you're torturing me with curiocity.
kohitsuji at 6:09PM, June 23, 2007
wish I had stripeded knee-high socks >: even if they are gay, they're still way cool! D: