Sei on July 15, 2011
Well, looks about time for my one page annual update 8D. *shot* The draft for this page has been sitting on my HD for well over a year lol… ._. *cries in a corner*. So a couple days ago, I edited it, changed it up a bit, and had it done. Pretty simple, and yes, I cheated and copied the school from a few pages back. Bah, laziness to the max. I'll have to redraw and make the school look better anyhow :/.
It was a coincidence that DD's new server was all ready, and my new page was also ready to post. So really, this was a calling! D:
I've been pretty inspired lately, been drawing a bit and such, did a collab picture with someone, turned out pretty well too. I'm happy D:!
I know I'm rambling to myself because NO ONE IS NO LONGER READING THIS. Double negative? Guhh…
magicmau5 at 8:04PM, Nov. 8, 2014
I'm reading it!
xXshadeXx at 8:27PM, July 10, 2012
not true~ im reading it plz come back n finish this story i dont want cute nolan to be in a locker forever n errol never gets his steak or fish.. pretty plz come back
piess at 2:02PM, April 18, 2012
make more i love it
PrinceSyu at 3:26AM, Jan. 2, 2012
:D more please!
Kuroi Nemu at 11:30PM, Dec. 30, 2011
omg more please lol i got hooked i wanna know what happens next :3 anytime please :D Its a great story
Rhi Rhi at 2:15PM, Dec. 10, 2011
Moremoremore~~ pleeaasssee Q u Q I love this so far!!
halfcat at 3:46PM, Sept. 13, 2011
i read it soooo cute
Tieg at 10:48PM, July 30, 2011
We're still reading it! I think your comic is delightful. I hope you choose to continue it...
applefreak1331 at 5:19PM, July 28, 2011
Please continue it, I really enjoy this comic...makes me sad when people stop a comic because no one looks. I look, but then I get upset when it isn't continued. Please continue it, you do have a fan. Chin up!!