FFS!!! The barriers I must overcome to make a damn comic! I got an awesome game I can't stop playing, I'm at my grans and cant do anything till i get home and im down for the count due to "man flu" I mean we as boys/men/w/e could get shot in the chest and we'd still be running around, you'd think the flue would be pips but nooooo! It drains you of all your energy, makes you sleepy and forces you to drink disgusting beverages which seem to make people even drowsier!!!!!
What about my story!? I don't get a story? WAAH!
Also, you can use Night in this if you want. You don't even have to make him a major character. Just use him as a tournament contestant if you're doing one or something.
I thik he did but it dosen't matter, he was introduced briefly in the new version of CNA but no one really got a glimpse of his character.
So Omegaman can cameo a diff char if he wants. But I might put cameos on standby for a bit. Still need to complete Havens story, Flame and THKN's story, Hedgehog trinitys story and Bonis story. OH THE WORK!
KazeFire at 6:03AM, Dec. 15, 2007
FFS!!! The barriers I must overcome to make a damn comic! I got an awesome game I can't stop playing, I'm at my grans and cant do anything till i get home and im down for the count due to "man flu" I mean we as boys/men/w/e could get shot in the chest and we'd still be running around, you'd think the flue would be pips but nooooo! It drains you of all your energy, makes you sleepy and forces you to drink disgusting beverages which seem to make people even drowsier!!!!! RANT OVER!!!!
dark link at 9:03AM, Dec. 11, 2007
Wait a minute! I thought I was a good guy!
KazeFire at 2:39PM, Dec. 9, 2007
You come in the evil chars story. Kekekekekeekek!
dark link at 11:22AM, Dec. 9, 2007
What about my story!? I don't get a story? WAAH! Also, you can use Night in this if you want. You don't even have to make him a major character. Just use him as a tournament contestant if you're doing one or something.
KazeFire at 5:19AM, Dec. 9, 2007
I thik he did but it dosen't matter, he was introduced briefly in the new version of CNA but no one really got a glimpse of his character. So Omegaman can cameo a diff char if he wants. But I might put cameos on standby for a bit. Still need to complete Havens story, Flame and THKN's story, Hedgehog trinitys story and Bonis story. OH THE WORK!
dark link at 1:56PM, Dec. 8, 2007
Omegaman, don't you already have a cameo? This is the exact continuation of the first CNA. You had a MegaMan Zero-styled character.
THKNN_NUL at 9:49AM, Dec. 8, 2007
KazeFire at 9:38AM, Dec. 8, 2007
@Omega: Sure. But i can't see the link. o.o @DL: Ges a little TOO complex sometimes.
omegaman at 9:35AM, Dec. 8, 2007
can i cameo plese! if so her's the link to my sprites, oh and he's called omegice.
dark link at 7:43AM, Dec. 8, 2007
Confusing? Yeah, right! I love the complexity of this comic!