CNA #31: Pursuit! The Masked Opponent!
KazeFire on Dec. 2, 2007
Meh, DL wanted me to start CNA up again. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it without quitting it this time. Anyway, for all the old readers that used to view this comic, welcome back, this is the latest installment of the 2nd chapter.
As for everyone else: welcome to the most confusing poorly prepared un-original sprite comic of your DrunkDuck life.
Btw, if you new-readers have some time, go check out Cyber Fate Online Chronicles of DarkLink. It's like my comic except a better version.
globep at 10:15AM, March 15, 2010
Awesome !
KazeFire at 10:06AM, Dec. 4, 2007
@DL: Sure, I'll send it you. @Vindu: Im sticking with this, but dun worry your still in it! =0
dark link at 10:04AM, Dec. 4, 2007
It's not better. This may be confusing because you have a chunk of pages missing, but this is one of the MOST original comics on DrunkDuck. I feel happy that you brought it back. BTW, I kinda need that background. I've been lookibg for a decent forest background for [i]ages[/i].
Vindu at 6:11AM, Dec. 4, 2007
So dark chain is dead or will you come back to it later ^^
KazeFire at 6:08AM, Dec. 4, 2007
@THKN: Meh, i'll send you the previous issues if you have MSN or something. >_> @Yoshi: Yo
THKNN_NUL at 6:08PM, Dec. 3, 2007
i seemed to have missed something...
yoshirider4 at 3:55PM, Dec. 3, 2007
Your back!