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Black Madness on Dec. 31, 2007
It's the first day of a new year.
This is a new comic I will be making.
I decided not to do SSBB, so I made this one instead.
I put away volience aside for a sec, but if you want to see fighting go see Robot Bandits.
Anywayz, this is the cover.
The characters will be showed tomorrow.
speroff1 at 2:15PM, Sept. 29, 2008
wait which sonic fan chjarter and which comic
speroff1 at 2:14PM, Sept. 29, 2008
brakzar right there | | | \ /
Black Madness at 8:44PM, Jan. 1, 2008
"Brakzar" came from my first Sonic Fan Character "Brak". I decided to use that name from this guy, since I didn't want two "Braks" I added the "zar" to the name. I thought it made the name sound cool.
Zero Wite at 8:08PM, Jan. 1, 2008
Zero Wite at 8:08PM, Jan. 1, 2008
agin...lokking forward to it
Jak0070 at 7:12PM, Jan. 1, 2008
That name is kinda funky (in a good way)
DShadow at 1:16PM, Jan. 1, 2008
How the heck dd you come up with that name?