sadTakara on Nov. 27, 2009
Sorryyy it's been so long! I've been busy and things kept coming up, and then my scanner became even worse at scanning. So I used my dad's more professional one. I like how it works and it's faster.
I'm so sorryyy! I hope everyone had a good Halloween and Thanksgiving.
This chapter is coming to a cloooose, I know, you must be sick of them being naked D:
:D Hope you're all well, and that you've haven't given up on me!
charliequin at 5:33AM, Feb. 28, 2012
I'm gonna guess this isn't gonna get updated.... still, it was amazing while it lasted.
kingtidus390 at 2:01PM, Dec. 21, 2011
I wish you would finish the comics you start Patricia...v.v I especially miss the Friction comic.
hecticdyslexic at 9:43PM, Nov. 6, 2011
"I used to thinkart was the only thing that beautiful." Absolutely brilliant!! I can honestly say I have thought the same thing :3 this comic is genius.
PnkJaguar at 2:28AM, Oct. 12, 2011
Siiigh... I love this comic. It is absolutely amazing. Definitely one of my favorites. I'm hoping you'll be able to update again sometime!
Karm2865 at 7:58AM, Aug. 26, 2011
hope some day you post more +2
Stoic cat at 11:43AM, July 31, 2011
I'll be here waiting for an update~
arici at 4:24AM, July 23, 2011
This comic is fantastic. I do hope you are fine and one day will come back and update this. Please don't give up on it. It is indeed one of the wittiest (is that a word?) lesbian stories I have read/seen, and I have seen quite a few. You are great. Just letting you know :)
kingtidus390 at 12:12PM, May 28, 2011
Where are you Patricia?? College? Art School? Paris? Why haven't you told us anything?
tommym at 11:25AM, March 7, 2011
Dear Blue, It seems to me you are little by little adding to the colouring of your art Great! tommym PS just checkining. Hope every things well with you and yours tommym
tommym at 11:25AM, March 7, 2011
Dear Blue, It seems to me you are little by little adding to the colouring of your art Great! tommym PS just checkining. Hope every things well with you and yours tommym
Orin J Master at 10:46AM, Feb. 11, 2011
awww, still nothing....
kingtidus390 at 2:08AM, Sept. 23, 2010
Where are you Patricia?? We MISS you! It' been nearly a year since your last upload...I think I might just give up...v.v
Alex Andrea at 6:00AM, Aug. 10, 2010
Studio Note on 4.8. "Her tan skin...The way she glows in the light." Vellus hair in north light glows like an aura surrounding the body. Models with blond hair and pale skin are a real challenge because the glow is almost blinding and obscures the contour lines. Just for fun, check out "The Helga Pictures" by Andrew Wyeth. Nearly all of the nude poses have a dark background, but 'Day Dream' (p.169) is amazing!
Alex Andrea at 5:58AM, Aug. 10, 2010
Studio Note on 4.8. "Her tan skin...The way she glows in the light." Vellus hair in north light glows like an aura surrounding the body. Models with blond hair and pale skin are a real challenge because the glow is almost blinding and obscures the contour lines. Just for fun, check out "The Helga Pictures" by Andrew Wyeth. Nearly all of the nude poses have a dark background, but 'Day Dream' (p.169)is amazing!
kingtidus390 at 12:08PM, June 27, 2010
I think Patricia got sucked into a black hole of nothingness.
kingtidus390 at 1:21AM, June 27, 2010
Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl comes to mind after this far through this comic.
kingtidus390 at 1:19AM, June 27, 2010
@katyas Both men and women have a noticeable stench in the private areas. I should know I've smelled both. For some reason though, I prefer the smell of guys to women. I have no idea why though, I'm attracted to women more.
Karm2865 at 1:28AM, June 2, 2010
+2 art and story
Kugai at 8:25PM, May 18, 2010
Have the Vorlon's grabbed our sadTakura? We wait with eagerness an update.
katyas at 11:57PM, April 21, 2010
"You stink"? What's that for? I mean ... is she making a comment on her own "freshness" being carried up to herself? That really shouldn't be an issue for a lesbian - usually it's the ... excretions from sex with a man that causes most odors "down there" unless quickly cleansed. Or is she saying that because Laci is teasing her about being all zoned out? And BTW, what makes you think we'd get tired of nekkidness? We need a comic that is all nekkid, ALL the time ... that'd be cool ... hhehe hehehe.
Miki at 10:43AM, April 9, 2010
Come baaaaack!
Kroatz at 4:49PM, March 25, 2010
Pwease weturn?
Orin J Master at 7:16PM, March 12, 2010
tokamada at 1:59PM, Feb. 5, 2010
Love the comic! When will it update?
Kugai at 11:34AM, Jan. 4, 2010
Been away for a wee while, but I definitely like the way the stories progressing.