Here is the Special Edition cover for Devil Jack #1 that shipped the summer of "94 Even though Paula's face and hand are a bit off, I still like the feel of this piece.
Not sure when new Devil Jack will be up. Thanks to everyone who's read it and commented. Peace.
DarioCOMICS at 1:57AM, May 26, 2014
holy tyler... i am a new fan!
Accolade Graphics at 10:26AM, July 19, 2011
Good to see you back at it.
cyberdog at 5:11PM, July 18, 2011
seanb47 at 12:10PM, Nov. 14, 2010
*hit,damn,balls to the wall killer kool!-and you could quote me on that!
Fenriswulf Books at 1:17PM, Nov. 13, 2010
Jeez...this reminds me of Lady Death and just about anything by Tim Vigil. I mean, it's that good. Sweet!
armandoB at 3:51PM, July 23, 2010
nice one
Doctor Shadow at 1:51AM, July 15, 2010
Nice bro!
DAJB at 1:22AM, July 15, 2010
Wow. Gorgeous piece. But then I could say (and have said!) that about all your work!
ttyler at 1:10AM, July 15, 2010
oops....I guess thats from "95. Thanks VWYLER. I'm TTyler....are we related?
vwyler at 1:00AM, July 15, 2010