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Gillespie on March 5, 2009
Photophobia means fear of light, just so you know.
Gillespie at 7:56PM, Aug. 22, 2009
@Holy Lightning: I shot at a ghost one time who snuck up on me. I emptied my shotgun very quickly lol
Holy Lightning at 6:43PM, Aug. 19, 2009
I'm ashamed to say I shoot at my own shadow in that game D:
Gillespie at 2:28PM, July 20, 2009
@Rickswan: Indeed. @IndigoScimitar: Thanks
IndigoScimitar at 5:29AM, March 15, 2009
I still love the guy's face at the end :P
Rickswan at 6:02PM, March 6, 2009
"yes, it does"
Gillespie at 7:56PM, Aug. 22, 2009
@Holy Lightning: I shot at a ghost one time who snuck up on me. I emptied my shotgun very quickly lol
Holy Lightning at 6:43PM, Aug. 19, 2009
I'm ashamed to say I shoot at my own shadow in that game D:
Gillespie at 2:28PM, July 20, 2009
@Rickswan: Indeed. @IndigoScimitar: Thanks
IndigoScimitar at 5:29AM, March 15, 2009
I still love the guy's face at the end :P
Rickswan at 6:02PM, March 6, 2009
"yes, it does"