- Chapter 5- the End - Page 6
- Chapter 5- the End - Page 5
- Chapter 5 - the end- Pg 4
- Chapter 5 - the end- Pg 3
- Chapter 5 Page 2
- Page 1- The End Begins
- Apt 408 comics Chapter -5 - The end - Cover
- Easy Rider
- Negligence
- We're Out of That
- Labels on things
- Our Future
- Dicktopia
- After this checkpoint
- Negro Clause
- Se la Vive
- Buffalo Jesticles
- Normal
- Jessticles
- Super Mario Bros Wii
- Dark Defender Part 3
- Fucking Cats: Carl
- Sunday
- Left Overs
- Ch ch ch Changes
- Dark Defender Pt2
- Pie
- My Evolution
- Thanksgiving Preparations: The Basics
- Monopoly
- Fixing Cars with Kody
- Thanksgiving Preparations: Training
- Goodbyes
- Halloween Party Friday
- Happy Halloween!!!
- Costumes from Craigslist
- Good Idea Bad Idea 2
- Dark Defender
- Old Browner
- Meet Kody
- Drunk People and Bouncing Houses
- Message Board
- If People Were Cats
- Just Resting My Eyes
- Bob Barker Stole My Barbecue
- Unfortunate
- Talk Like A Pirate Day
- My vicious Attack Dog
- Mini 200!!! Le Puppetier
- Separated By A Common Language
- This Weekend
- Shit I love About LA: The Magic Curb
- Saturday
- Working Hard
- Fucking True Blood
- Fix it With Fire
- Road Trip Survival Checklist
- Best Served Warm
- No Rules Apply
- Hair Cut
- Futility
- Rocking So Hard
- True Calling
- When All Else Fails
- New Computer
- Art Show
- Standard Weekend
- The Cat
- Public Enemy
- 408 Comics Presents: Magic Eddie Hobo Extrordinaire
- Edible Substances
- Tim's Memoriam
- Roasted Peanut
- The LTD- All Systems Go?
- Applesauce
- Tim
- Presents
- Good Idea/ Bad Idea
- Ants
- The Nightmare
- Metal Gear Sandwich
- Bang
- Defensive Bowling Techniques
- Not What I Had In Mind
- Reflections on Cinco De Mayo
- The End
- For a brief moment, I have failed you
- The Hole
- Cooking With Johnboc
- Gesundheit
- Rollin' In the LTD
- Susan At Vons
- The Cats
- Easter
- It's a little late but,
- Sucks
- So Far At the New Place
- My Downward Spiral
- Driving Signals I've Learned in LA
- Ta- Daaaaaaaa
- Moving
- Resident Evil 5
- It's Not Funny!
- A Summation of Jeremy's Time at 408
- Muffins
- Car Repair
- Patent Pending
- Fucking Foul
- Bonus Mini : Two Girls One Cup
- Poo
- Cooking
- Jeremy In Real Life
- Bonus Valentine's Day Comic!
- It's A Beautiful Thing
- Triumphant Return
- Works Everytime
- the Road to Championship
- Still the Champ
- Loss of A Susan
- Pussy Magnet?
- our new dart board
- Solving the Rubix Cube
- My New Car
- Determination?
- Infected
- A Comprehensive Look Back, At 2008
- Good Luck in 2009
- Alter Ego?
- Doing Our Part
- Merry Christmas
- Paying Your Dues
- OMG!!! Chicken? WTF!!!
- It's Not Funny!
- Breaking the Silence
- In Dreams
- For Susan
- Power Outage
- The Price of A Sweater
- The aftermath
- tainted ham
- Boobies
- Mansocks
- Sweetest Laptop Ever
- Comic Ideas
- Are You Feeling Alright?
- A marriage of Convenience?
- Happy Halloween!!!!
- Happy 1st birthday Apartment 408
- 110- Waither there's a Soup in my Repeat
- The First Jackass -O- Lantern
- More Halloween Costumes
- Halloween Costumes
- Getting Out of Jury Duty
- Being Prepared
- The Agony
- Prima Ballerinas
- New Shirt
- Steven Segal's Website
- 100th Mini Bonus Print!!!!!111oneoneone!!!
- Nobody Cares
- Portrait of a Douchebag: Susan
- My Infidelity
- 96- God Damn Mother Fucking Bullshit
- Not Bad
- The Benefits of Being Sick
- Watch Your Fucking Mouth
- The Truth About Jeremy
- As Political As We're Gonna Get
- The Wrath of Dogs
- Good Ball Trimmers are Hard to Find
- I Can Quit Whenever I Want
- Guest Appearances Always Go So Well
- Poking the Bear
- Susans Girlfriend
- Don Johnboc
- Who Needs Enemies
- the joy of living with dudes- Rations
- Banana Hands
- Susan's A little Jealous
- The New Guy: Chris
- Why it only comes once a year
- Why Martin Left
- Celebrating the American Way
- An Apology
- Messin' With Sasquatch
- Yo Gabba Gabba Time
- Don't Ask Don't Tell
- Roommate Hunting
- A Very 408 Birthday
- Milk Does a Body Good
- 68- The New Roommate - Martin
- It's a Tradition
- Don't Fuck With My Stuff While I'm Gone
- Life's Short Party Naked
- Sunburns
- Happy Birthday Jeremy
- #63 -Fucking Good Beans
- Are You the Fonz?
- Finally Updated
- The Eternal Struggle
- Cupcakes
- Off the Wagon
- I knew I forgot Something
- Ruining Our Economy
- Roomies Helping Roomies
- Why We Don't Have a Wii Anymore
- The Champ Has Spoken
- Cheese Balls
- Breakfast of Champions
- Nobody Likes You Susan
- Camping Rocks
- Negro Vs Smokey: A Cartoon Classic
- Negro Vs Smokey: Kaboom
- Why I Fucking Love Guests
- Why I Fucking Hate Guests
- PJ's "Special" Ability
- Barbecuing
- Fuck Tea!
- How To Trap A Mat
- Crazy Fan Girl
- Jeremy Got A Cat
- "Work"
- A Day In the Life of Negro- Nanny Cam
- Dealing With The Talent
- Black History Month
- More Fun With Reality
- Superbowl Aftermath
- Why I Hate Susan
- Kicking the Habit
- Finally Found a Use For Susan
- A Day In the Life of Negro
- P.J.'s Big Debut
- You're In My World Now
- The Joy of Living With Dudes- The Fridge
- This Is Bullshit!
- Dell Tech Support Part 3: Sir if you Could Just Bend Over, This Will Only Take A Second
- Dell Tech Support Part 2: What An Actual Person?
- Dell Tech Support Part 1: The Robots Will Conquer Us All
- The Joy of Living With Dudes- Humor?
- The Creative Process
- Christmas Shopping
- P.J. Clause
- Hitting the Snooz
- What's In A Name
- Probably Should Have Warned You About That
- All Hail Bread
- Hi, I'm Erica...?
- They Have Rules About This Sort of Thing
- Welcome to 408
- Good Girl Negro
- Do You Think We Got Enough?
- This is 408!
- Erasing Racism
- All You Need is Ham...
- Shut up and Do Something Funny Then
- Anything Else You'd Like to Contribute?
- Writing a Comic is Hard... and Aparently So Is Mat.
- Why Do I Even Bother
- Tricks for Treats
- Um Waiter Theres a Soup on my Fly
Chapter 5- the End - Page 6
imjohnboc on March 25, 2010
Dudes! totally forgot to post this when I finished it on wednesday night, I knew I was going to do that too. I should have just put it up at 11 instead of waiting until midnight. Well either way here it is. One down, more to go. Fuck you Tim till next time Johnboc