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cool guy on May 26, 2008
And this is the start of my new/old comic!!!!!!
patoborracho at 10:01AM, Oct. 16, 2008
Jules at 2:01PM, July 18, 2008
Oh yeah I remember this, but it was originally in Paint right? this version looks better anyway
cool guy at 8:58AM, July 4, 2008
I got a new computer and my mom dosn't let me connect the scanner.
meir412 at 4:49AM, July 4, 2008
the shading came out nice. why dont you continue?
patoborracho at 10:01AM, Oct. 16, 2008
Jules at 2:01PM, July 18, 2008
Oh yeah I remember this, but it was originally in Paint right? this version looks better anyway
cool guy at 8:58AM, July 4, 2008
I got a new computer and my mom dosn't let me connect the scanner.
meir412 at 4:49AM, July 4, 2008
the shading came out nice. why dont you continue?