I'd love to see a continuation of this! The artwork is great and the monologue gripped me from the start.
Delving into the backstory of the protagonist seems like a good direction to go in. I'm intrigued about things like his outfit and exactly what happened with his wife.
Black Seed at 5:41AM, July 4, 2010
Keep up the good work.
wildcard at 6:01PM, Aug. 11, 2009
I'd love to see a continuation of this! The artwork is great and the monologue gripped me from the start. Delving into the backstory of the protagonist seems like a good direction to go in. I'm intrigued about things like his outfit and exactly what happened with his wife.
Sechs at 5:57PM, April 14, 2009
Awesome story so far. I'm looking forward to where it leads. Yeah, I can sympathize with the writer's block...
Aghammer at 9:10PM, March 25, 2009
Awesome page man.. superior inking skill!