A PoKeMoN comic that everyone will ignore even though the author puts way more work into it than some other very popular PoKeMoN comics that get over nine thousand views on days they DONT update What the hell
Hey guys! just noodling around with the idea of a new comic(just a thought though! I'm not gonna do it unless I assure myself I'll actually maintain it and blablabla) but I figured I'd share this with ya'll.I'd apreciate if you guys could tell me which panel's speach bubbles you perfer(they're all different, trust me). Also any advice/ideas/tips/suggestions for the new comic would be apreciated.(The new comic would be a spiritual sequal to this one…that is to say, no canon plot ellements or characters, but some themes and stuff would cary on or something…and it might dawn a similar/knockoff name lol)Oh and feel free to ask me questions about my life and shit I guessI srs hope I don't get you uys' hopes up only to not go through with this…
TBustah: Im gonna start a pokemon sprite comic soon.. still based on my current story bt a revamped version i hope ppl will come and read it and be inspired to do their own pokemon sprite comic... i missed the good old days whr we sprited like nobody's business... and thr were awesome spriters like kinu,, petah i rly miss their work so i hope someone sees this and spreads this arnd... i shall start uploading soon once i ve done with my sprites!!!
cheers: galaxiluz
Is anyone from the old days still around? I'm posting this message on all of the more popular Pokemon sprite comics in an attempt to contact my fellow spriters, and/or the readers of our comics. I don't know if anyone even remembers me, but I'm the guy that did "Pokemon Silver State Version". Long story short, I'm thinking about getting back into spriting, but I want to see if anyone is even reading sprite comics on DD anymore, and I want to bounce some ideas off my contemporaries and/or discuss the possibility of a collaboration. Even if you're not a spriter, I'd like to hear from you if you think you have some sort of input that might help. An email would probably best if you want to get a hold of me: tbustah@gmail.com I hope to hear from somebody soon. - See more at: http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/PoKeMoN_HEROES/#sthash.ld6KczeV.dpuf
galaxiluz at 1:49AM, Sept. 14, 2015
TBustah: Im gonna start a pokemon sprite comic soon.. still based on my current story bt a revamped version i hope ppl will come and read it and be inspired to do their own pokemon sprite comic... i missed the good old days whr we sprited like nobody's business... and thr were awesome spriters like kinu,, petah i rly miss their work so i hope someone sees this and spreads this arnd... i shall start uploading soon once i ve done with my sprites!!! cheers: galaxiluz
TBustah at 4:13AM, July 30, 2014
Is anyone from the old days still around? I'm posting this message on all of the more popular Pokemon sprite comics in an attempt to contact my fellow spriters, and/or the readers of our comics. I don't know if anyone even remembers me, but I'm the guy that did "Pokemon Silver State Version". Long story short, I'm thinking about getting back into spriting, but I want to see if anyone is even reading sprite comics on DD anymore, and I want to bounce some ideas off my contemporaries and/or discuss the possibility of a collaboration. Even if you're not a spriter, I'd like to hear from you if you think you have some sort of input that might help. An email would probably best if you want to get a hold of me: tbustah@gmail.com I hope to hear from somebody soon. - See more at: http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/PoKeMoN_HEROES/#sthash.ld6KczeV.dpuf
Super Rage at 6:40PM, Oct. 31, 2011
Superpee at 5:51PM, Oct. 30, 2011
Bubbles could use an outline. Just saying.