Page 9 END
wildcard on April 8, 2010
Well here it is: final page. Took a while but I'm done at last.
I've got more than a few niggling issues with the end result here but hey, it's been a long time since I really finished a comic - it was great fun drawing it and I reckon I learnt a lot in the process.
I'm fairly burnt out now, so I haven't much else to say other than thanking you for reading and hoping you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think. Cheers :)
wildcard at 12:24PM, Feb. 23, 2012
@Bonny: Thankyou :) Nice to see people are still reading it!
Bonny at 9:04AM, Jan. 13, 2012
Nice little story! Art is great too.
wildcard at 6:36AM, July 17, 2010
@Lilac & Stig Hemmer: Thanks so much guys! Hearing that really made my day :D
Lilac at 11:24PM, July 15, 2010
This story was really cool. :D
Stig Hemmer at 2:45PM, July 10, 2010
Excellent story! Prefect pacing and beautiful art!
wildcard at 9:43AM, June 29, 2010
@ce33: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Honestly I was quite pleased how the blood effect looked in the end, half the time it's something I'd manage to cock up. So yeah, cheers :)
ce33 at 3:52PM, April 22, 2010
Kekeke, that's about my taste in short stories. I Like! I admire the way you draw blood spewing out. (Should I though?)
wildcard at 12:43AM, April 12, 2010
@Ushio: Thanks, glad the effect was as in intended!
Ushio at 3:51PM, April 9, 2010
Lol, awesome final panel! Scary stuff! ^_^