chapter 4 page 15
Vampvirus on Sept. 26, 2009
okay this one is a bit softer… something to do with the scanning, i kinda like it but i'll work on sharpening it. Sorry that this has taken so long… i've got a lot on my plate but i will update as much as possible. chapter 4 is almost over and i'm still working on what to do after five so be ready for some radical over haul after this lovey-dovey stuff (dun't worry i ain't abandoning it but this isn't a rom-comic)
Vampvirus at 2:54AM, Oct. 11, 2011
So this comic is official dead... R.I.P. sad though it may be it just wasn't going anywhere, but! i maybe starting up something else with some friends that's way more sci-fi and fun... and still topical. so look out!
Vampvirus at 7:52AM, June 28, 2010
HI sexy viewers... i'm not dead... but i do need an artist's assistance... if anyone want's to work with me on making this comic prettier please contact me. i like my style and do believe i am an okay artist. but viewers deserve better than OK they deserve good, great, or superb at the very least.
momofavamp at 8:32AM, Sept. 28, 2009
I love this page!!! Really fun drawings, and counter-conversations. Nice to see you back--really psyched to see more.