Whirlwynd on Jan. 7, 2006
The major characters of 20G. It is a long story -
As for the current pages, I'm up to 147, and I'll be posting them one at time every day. This comic was restarted here two years ago, so sorry for the sudden flashback in art. Every page up until now can be found through the main/Smackjeeves site.
Whirlwynd at 6:25PM, Dec. 30, 2008
threeeyeswurm) The stories and the characters kind of came hand in hand, except for Kestrel, who came from a bunch of dreams that inspired this whole thing ^^()
threeeyeswurm at 12:04PM, Dec. 30, 2008
Man that's a lot of characters. Did you plan out the characters first before you did the story?
Erulisse at 6:03AM, July 2, 2008
Oooh, a cast page!!! Awesome work on all the cast! That must have taken a while. ^^; For some reason PSI reminds me of Sesshomaru. O_o I would rate this "10" but it won't let me! ;_; If I guess right this story is going to go on for a while. YAYNESS!!!!!!!!!
Farah at 10:20PM, July 1, 2008
Hehee.. I just love this page. =D
Whirlwynd at 2:39PM, Feb. 19, 2007
Some of the Skaeya have the same elements because they're from different generations. Jayson is the Skaeya of Fire in 1997, Tobias is the Skaeya of Fire in 1980. (I think. I don't have my character notes on me -)
hoya999 at 9:16AM, Feb. 7, 2007
why are there 2 skaeyas of fire listed? (tobias and jason) all the other skaeyas have different specialties (for lack of a better word)except those two.
fander at 7:13PM, Dec. 10, 2006
mizst is hot..
timlight at 11:11PM, April 7, 2006
as big as mythology ^^
MagickLorelai at 7:51PM, March 12, 2006
So...many...characters....*head explodes*
Nyx at 4:48PM, Feb. 23, 2006
So many characters... nice work. ^_^
InsaneOtaku at 4:57AM, Jan. 8, 2006
oooo big cast...