Public Profile


member since January 01, 2008


Hey there, my name is Tom.
I have a comic that I work on called Fearman, which I am working on and will be out soon.
I also love to draw, so I made a page to show random doodles.
I've been drawing ever since I was a young Tom, and I love doing it.
It''s one of my passions.
I have been published in a local comic book here in Hamtramck called “If-X”.
I also was in the Wayne State student run newspaper back in 2007.

Comics By fearman

  • Adventure |
  • 0 pages |
  • last:  |
Coming soon.
  • Parody |
  • 1 page |
  • last: May 19 2012 |
  • 1 like
This will contain pictures I drew, either in pencil or

Comics Assisted By fearman

No comics.

Comics Recomended By fearman

This is a reasonably inaccurate comic interpretation of my life starting from my graduation from high school and moving forward. The events are displaced more than ten years from there happening so I had to modern it up.

Ever wondered what's in the bottom of the list of this site's rank? I can tell you, you will find some really curious stuff that never really saw the light of day. Until now!

An artist without inspiration goes out to forget about his frustrations, only to find that the life outside is neither his life nor real. Done in watercolors, markers, pencils, photoshop and more.

Short stories told in chapters of 10 pages or so. As solid as a cloud.

TED THE TERRIBLE SUPERHERO chronicles the exploits of Ted and Brian, an unlikely duo. Their lives revolve around Ted’s absolute conviction, in the face of all available evidence, that he is a superhero.

fearman's friends

forum topics started

Videos Shared By fearman

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