Be Mine

usedbooks on Oct. 21, 2013

For those not wanting to do math, 18 years ago, Kaida was 17.

Oh, and it's late fall/early winter in the current-day setting in this chapter. I don't want to confuse anyone with the title. It's a play on the character Valentine and not the holiday. I had originally planned on naming the character Roland, but my sister wouldn't have it. – My brother-in-law is named Roland. I thought it was a pretty good name. (I changed it to Valentine at least three or four years ago. He has existed in my UB brain-space for a long time very anxious to get into the story. Heh.)

There will be updates M - F this week. Sorry DD still isn't showing when I'm updating. Please check in!

Peipei: Actually, I didn't fall behind because just when I thought I'd be busy with work, I was furloughed. :P