The Light Eaters, Announcement

Rosengeist on Aug. 27, 2014

Well ladies and gentleman, it's time to make an announcement. The Light Eaters is going on hiatus until 2015.When I decided to launch this project last Christmas, I believed that 2014 would be a relatively calm year that would enable me to really get a huge chunk of this comic finished. I did not foresee that I would get as many opportunities or face as many challenges as I have these past few months. If I had been aware that this would be the case, I would have waited until this December to launch my webcomic.This project is very near and dear to me, but I also want to do it right. I'm about to move again and am a part of some exciting comic anthologies. Until I get these things handled, this comic will be consistently facing spotty updates, and I really want to get this back to a consistent weekly schedule.I anticipate being able to return this coming January. In the meantime, I plan to post some sketches and treats up for fun. I'll take them down when I return from hiatus just so they don't interfere with reading.Be back soon guys! This revolution hasn't even gotten started yet!