Issue 01purple - Page 14

JustNoPoint on July 21, 2015

Another character not seen since Prologue issue 1! Not that you won't find out later if you haven't read Prologue. But Fenny and Sally worked at Eden along side Kevin.
Kevin lead 2 other well trained characters named Project Warrioress and Upgrade One into Eden where they took information and set explosives.
Fenny tried to catch Kevin before he could escape and he jumped up kicking her hard in the face sending her for a loop.
She only made it out because the Cyro Grands beamed her out right before the bombs went off.

Also you may recognize this message Fenny's sending from Rick's half of issue #1. The halves are starting to intertwine a bit now!

And here's an unusual editorial insight into this page. My script called for Fenny to reach over the Chosen Tracker the Cyros gave her at the end of Prologue then hesitate. Then grab the phone.
Originally I had a scene/page where she was talking about the tracker but I had to cut it for page count purposes. Don't worry it'll still be brought up.
So I had 2 small issues with this page.
1 being that I didn't like the layouts I made adding the extra frame for her to hesitate. And I sure couldn't add a whole flashback to the page to explain the device she's reaching over.

2 is that since I couldn't establish WHAT the device by her phone is earlier or on this page the hesitation wouldn't translate well and the audience wouldn't know WHY she hesitated.

I considered adding a piece of dialogue where she says something that'd indicate she's changing her mind about calling the police when she grabs her phone. But was told it wasn't necessary by the 1 person I showed the page to :P
They said it's obvious she changes her mind and is going to take this into her own hands.

So I hope it's obvious to the rest of you. And hey! Now you know what the thing she's reaching over is a bit early!

And one final note! This is the 1st time Fenny has actually worn her orange jacket in comic! She's been displayed in covers and stand alone art with it for so long its probably hard to believe that!
Her original default wardrobe was supposed to be what she wore in issue 1 and 2 of Prologue. But a combination of my own redesigns after the fact (that brown vest just didn't look stylish at all for her) and some modifications to said jacket from fan art we have the current Fenny default uniform!