Star Strip page 32

bravo1102 on Oct. 27, 2014

USS Surprise gets the message just like they're supposed to. Rickover is a little less tolerant of Spock like Kirk in the reboot movies as opposed to Kirk in TOS. I'm watching them all again at work and they are better than I remember. I keep having to remind myself that it was done in the mid 1960's when Lost in Space and the other Irwin Allen series were the height of science fiction TV shows.

Integrating the figures and the sets is a lot of fun. Upenda's chair (the comm officer) isn't turned in the render I have so I had to search through a all the other renders to find a seat on edge like that. The crew may seen a bit senior officer heavy for a skeleton crew of 30. That is because all the department heads and senior leadership are on the ship but very few of the followers. It's a cadre waiting to be fleshed out if other crew ever become available.

I' still working 20 pages ahead having just finished up page 51. Looks like the comic will be around 110 pages long. You figure that is about a five issue limited series.

@plymayer: Very good the creepy furry is indeed a feline. Her adopted name is “Dancer” as her native name is so hard to normal humans to wrap their tongue around. She's a figure for the Dr. Who series.

@fallopiancrusader: I love the title Fiasco of the Furries. Since i used Space Station K-7 from Trouble with Tribbles for the base putting a bar, some aggressive aliens and a shipment of catnip? rather than grain wouldn't be too hard to get together. I have a tribble in my car as a mascot. I got it at a Star Trek convention thirty years ago.