Evolution of "Savunn's Corner" #1

EssayBee on Feb. 24, 2015

For those of you who've purchased print copies of Fusion, you know about “Savunn's Corner,” which comes with every issue. For those who don't know, at the end of every print issue (you can buy issues from Indyplanet.com–just search for “Fusion”), Savunn writes a personal letter to readers to talk about events in an issue (or sometimes just to chat). In these letters, she always includes a goofy little picture as well. As the issues have progressed, her art style (and the tools she uses) have changed, and she thought it'd be fun to do a little feature on the evolution of her style. For this week and next week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays), we'll take a look at the evolution of Savunn's art, with full sticky-noted commentary from Savunn herself.
This update, we see how she started, way back in the print issue of Fusion #1. Next update is on Thursday!