Public Profile


member since April 04, 2010


Hey all, Im wintersclaw, Jake Savage if you wish, and I love drawing, reading comics, playing guitar/video games, and my favorite sport of all time, archery! I live in a small Pennsylvania town, and love to travel as well.

Some of my interest include, pretty much anything fantasy or sci fi, art, music, and writing.

Hmmm….Im pretty sure I forgot something. Ah yes! Im also a major fan of classic war ships such as Schooners ect., and I love reading about history and past events.

(caution, can be a little crazy at times.)

Hmmm, still forgetting something, you say? Well then! tell me what. Ah, music and food, why do people need to know? Well its required in everything else I did, so why not! Away we go.

My favorite foods are cherry pie, neopolitan ice cream, strawberry sherbert, a good quality steak, chicken wings, French crueller donuts, and hmmm, well honestly anything that doesnt run fast enough/fight back. Not really a picky eater here. But I do tend to avoid nuts, spathing allergies.

As to music, I enjoy pretty much anything, but I suppose the genres Im into most at the moment are symphonic metal and thrash, with a bit of heavy metal thrown in, as well as celtic music and orchestral stuff thats good and intense. I also love some very good country songs, among them Devil Went Down to Georgia, and I like some rap, as long as it isnt blatantly insulting.

While Im on this much of a role I may as well go to clothing and be done with this, that is until another thought enters my head. I like clothes that are comfortable, and above all functional. As long as Im not naked and look at least slightly acceptable for church I dont really mind what I put on my body, but all in all I prefer T-shirts and jeans, and lately Ive gone almost no where without a pair of cowboy boots on, they are amazingly comfortable. Things I wear on odd occasions include capes, masks, armor, and other theatrical items just because.

As for comics, I may have plans to submit them eventually, we shall see how it goes, Im much to lazy right now! Farewell for now all, the Savage signing off!

Comics By wintersclaw

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Comics Assisted By wintersclaw

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Comics Recomended By wintersclaw

The once terror of the world, the immortal wizard Darshe the Destroyer was defeated and sentenced to spiritual rehab in the body of a monk boy. Now re-awakened can he escape his clueless prison and regain his power to finish what he started?

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

A comedy/adventure/fantasy story which refuses to try and cash in on WoW or D&D. Currently in Chapter 13 - Mordrolvia

A dog, her college student, an elf, the dragon who writes and draws it all, and the lizard who occasionally colors it? Now there's a party like no other.

Night School: Kojo Academy It is midnight, do you know where your kids are? Well if you are a creature of the night, they should be in Night School!

Xan is an evil child genius attending college. (Study now, destroy them all later....)


wintersclaw's friends

  • Volte6
  • Evil Emperor Nick
  • Amelius

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