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member since June 06, 2007


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Comics By videocrazy

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Comics Assisted By videocrazy

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Comics Recomended By videocrazy

The story of The De'Ras Brothers, Bounty Hunters for hire in an off beat fantasy world. Things happen and hilarity ensues. Come read it, you know you want to.

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

A vampire tries to make it in the mortal world.

An oblivious main character, a stalker next door neighbor, a dark chip addict who thinks he's Batman, an on again off again psychotic villain/grammar Nazi, and then there's that whole thing with Chaud.

The randomness from Nintendo games is shown in this one-liner comic. Many Nintendo games are shown, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Warioware, and other awesome games made by Nintendo. There will not be licensed nintendo games in the comic. Enjoy the randomess

I once had this comic post guest comics for 4 years straight, that's how good I am at this comic thing WICKED

Sonic's on college... WITH SHADOW AS HIS ROOMMATE?! (this story is not in Another Sonic Comic's Storyline)

A comic about a story that was written by Jolt. This story has gotten out of hand And it became a game. We had 4 Continues in this game... but that was long ago. Now, we have just used our last one. Now Jolt along with several allys must save the world.


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poliwirl100 at 11:17AM, May 16, 2008

Thnx for the add

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