Public Profile


member since January 01, 2007


Im a twenty one year old girl. Major in photography/graphics going for Bach of Fine Arts. Have a boyfriend i love and hes obsessed with BECK (anime). Im becoming a pretty big yaoi fan girl.

Currently: working on trying to get a comic up.

Comics By pisceancrazy

  • Romance |
  • 47 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
When lines are crossed and truths learned, can their love survive?

Comics Assisted By pisceancrazy

No comics.

Comics Recomended By pisceancrazy

Raven is a rogue anthro working for a rebel group against those that created her.

Enter the world of Côen, an orphaned Fox Demon raised by his amorous caretaker Mao. Their pharmacy serves humans and spirits alike. When the supernatural threatens to be routine, Côen discovers the hidden truth about his past, and his ties to a god.

Braen is struggling with his job. He works late, ungodly hours doing demeaning repetitive tasks for people he thoroughly dislikes... people pay a lot of money for the favours of a beautiful young boy... including the man of Braen's dreams... Yaoi!


This is a story about a little girl, Lila, and her life once she befriends two aliens.

Mars couldn't believe it when his life long friend and crush asked him out. Naively entering into this relationship, he doesn't realize what is really going on. Can he handle the dark secret he is soon to find out. Oh yeah! Lots of yaoi-ness ensues!

It's hard being the grim reaper....when your souls get stuck in trees.

In a city where life is governed by hierarchy in every aspect, Kai Black is at the top of the food chain. But what happens when lowest of the low knocks him off his precarious pedestal?

(Yaoi Comic) The story of Bo Moon and Sean Hunter; learn to let go of your past and embrace the future.

Sam has a gift with women. He oozes charm, and can get any girl into bed. Sam has everything he could want, but there's one problem - and his name is George! The two boys are drawn to each other, causing even heart-throb Sam to look within himself.. YAOI

May is a normal girl who goes to school everyday and she thinks she has a boring life untill Dean showed up in her class.. May falls in love with dean, but will everything go as she hoped?

Gary James gets more than he bargained for when he finally finds a vocalist for his band Misery's Child in the shy, introverted Alex Chase. Contains shounen-ai and yaoi, if you're not into that then this comic's definitely not for you ^_^

Once every 100 years, Nemution will be formed into a jewel his sould searching for his eternal lover. Once merged they must both accept each other for a complete transformation. However, because the lover is unable to recognize and prepare ones body for the merge, they destroy each other and are once again parted for 100 years; till nemution rises again and his reborn eternal lover is called to him. After many years of separation, Nemution has once again found his eternal lover; a promise and a vow, forever kept. But a new torment awaits the eternal lover. YAOI/BL

It's just a sweet romantic drama about making new friends and changing stubborn views and attitudes. ~ Shonen-ai / boyslove / yaoi / romance / drama ~

A comic about a bunch of chibi animals trying to live under the same roof as a hyperactive, naive kitten. Will contain shounen-ai (boy/ boy relationships, not that you can tell...)

The adventures of Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, and friends. Done in Oekaki.

Andy and his friends of various sexual orientations and levels of sanity live in a world where the line between the norm and the bizarre is fuzzy at best. But who can really define "normal", anyway?

So this ridiculous kid Tory's dream is to one day become a dentist. The reason? He has an eerie mouth fixation. And one day, he spots a boy with a "perfect mouth." Nothing reasonable will come of this.

Linder is the shyest person you'll ever met. But it just so happens that Mark is the most outgoing person you'll ever met, and he loves shy people! ONE-SHOT, YAOI

When lines are crossed and truths learned, can their love survive?

!shounen-ai! Zain is your average guy: decent grades, a hot girlfriend, and a job that pays well. Then along comes Colin, a flamboyantly dressed overall nice guy, who just happens to be gay. Thing is, Zain hates gay people. What will become of this?

what do you do when your short, fuzzy and pink?... yeah i don't know either, but he looks damn cute while doing it! Noriko is 16, can't speak english very well, and lives above a gay nightclub owned by a large transvestite. now how can that not be good


pisceancrazy's friends

  • xXshadeXx
  • Rockster1039
  • caesar
  • Viviane_ch
  • DarkChibiShadow
  • curlpop
  • Mirre
  • shino
  • kohitsuji
  • Volte6

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Videos Shared By pisceancrazy

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DarkChibiShadow at 8:48PM, Oct. 21, 2008

Aw man! I love your icon right now! I couldn't top watching it! What's it from? <3

DarkChibiShadow at 3:05PM, April 4, 2008

Hey, thanks much for the nice words and all the recommended!

kohitsuji at 12:26PM, Jan. 2, 2008

Cool! I saw, it looks interesting. Can't wait for more! X3 Now I feel really bad for not updating my comics in ages. DX

kohitsuji at 10:41PM, Oct. 7, 2007

I checked them both out. Verry nice! X3 lol spotted Rabbit squirrel!<3 You're drawings are so cute! I only have a dA, if you care to look it's: I have to finish reading your writings now. They're good too! :D

kohitsuji at 10:21PM, Oct. 4, 2007

Oh, yay! I do!! lol X3 *huggu!* That's awesome. You wanna give me a link or url so I can check it out? XP

kohitsuji at 6:33PM, Oct. 3, 2007

Oh, sounds good! I can't get into y!gallery so I'll prolly just wait for you to post here or on Smackjeeves. ^^ Do you post your art anywhere else? Like deviantArt or something? I read most of my yaoi from scanalation sites... or here. XD

kohitsuji at 4:58PM, Oct. 1, 2007

Yeah, The Dragon and the Lemur is good. And smackjeeves has a lot of good comics too. They seem more popular over there than here for some reason. :o You draw some too? Tres cool! Are you ever gonna have a comic up on DD? :D

kohitsuji at 7:35PM, Sept. 30, 2007

Oh, cool! It's very hot~. Makes me want to draw yaoi! X3 lol From your recommends, I take it you're a yaoi fan too? What's your fave? :3

kohitsuji at 7:18PM, Sept. 30, 2007

Hi hi! Thanks for the add! :3 Your icon is very lovely~!<3

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