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member since March 03, 2008


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Retropunk post-feminist fantasy adventure with funky magical knights and crazy hair!

A maiden knight and a cowardly cyborg find themselves stranded together across time and space, lost in an alien wilderness, beset by harsh elements and dangerous foes. To survive, they each have but one clue: a piece of paper with one cryptic word.

Full of smarty art/ninja chick action, join paige on her misadventures as she tries to survive her new and unusual art school, The Kannon Institute of Art and Design...

A boy holding secrets in his past and bearing a thirst for revenge meets a girl with a serious anger problem. While they're struggling to deal with each other, demons are hunting them down for something they don't even know about!

A young woman enters into a school of high magic. Will she discover her potential as a Mage? Or is there another destiny for her?

An American teacher in Japan finds romance and wacky misadventures when he gets engaged to a gothy mob princess. We have Time Monkeys.


ladygoddess8's friends

  • Scheiden
  • Katsu
  • Darth Mongoose
  • Volte6

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