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member since February 02, 2009


Alright me 1st comic will be nothing but a collection of furry porn i found while online. i dont own any of this shit so dont sue me.

Comics By bg66is1

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Comics Assisted By bg66is1

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Comics Recomended By bg66is1

This is the webcomic detailing the life of Jaren Gaal, a mercenary enveloped in a conspiracy involving the gods, and his all female crew. "The Best Orc Porn Anywhere, Hands Down" JT from gigcast. Updates M W F unless Fubar shows up.

Jaren Gaal is a Mercenary who travels the Multi-verse in his Ship, The Heartless Bitch, Only He finds alot more than He expected when He takes up a mission to capture a Rogue Wizard!

No words, just action

Everyone has a specialty. But Naomi's is worth going to war for. (Featured by dd in September 2007!) ON HIATUS SINCE OCT. 2010

An alien born out of an egg joins a circus - only to find that his fellow performers have made him into a spy after they find that they can use him for doing odd jobs. Although he is not a very sneaky one. Adventure follows! A Platinum Studios comic!

Claude is an Orc with a dream to be the lead singer of one of the best bands in the Multiverse, the thing is, he has to hide the fact that He is AN ORC. Can He finally achieve his dream or will something else get in his way?

An alternate universe or out of usual comic timeline of the Phoenix Three universe. Every day little annoyances, anywhere from the occassion of the dreaded art stalker to hypocrisy and more.

Someone or something has opened a portal;twisting our world and most of its inhabitants.Mankind was almost wiped out;but in true human fashion we clung onto existance like shit to a blanket.Although most aren't exactly what you would call human anymore...

52 years after a disastrous war, a historian returns to her home world, only to find a devastated land... And surviving communities beyond her belief. Rated Mature for nudity, violence, and language.

Set in the year 2062, a New York detective is hot on the trail of a gruesome serial killer only to find himself on the run when every lead points to the one person he never would have suspected -- himself.

About a teenager named Evan, who goes to a school to teach him how to be a supervillain! But he's no good at it and hilarity ensues!

The raunchy space adventures of Busty Solar and her space police team. Lots of strange jokes and naughty fun.(In space.)

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

Six people in the middle of an interstellar war, trying to make ends meet. Being a Privateer sucks when people keep on trying to kill you, but at least the money's good and the serious injuries are evenly spaced out.

Crossover High is just your ordinary high school, if by "ordinary" you mean a classroom with two wolf-demons, a fire sorcerer, a dark mage, a shadow alchemist, some random Jamaican guy, and... Loki. But then I'd have to wonder what dictionary you use.

Webcomic All-Stars to the Rescue! Starring A.N.T, Dasien, Dead Debbie, Lightbringer, and Mindmistress! They team up to face the evil CROSSOVERLORD!

A dark shadow has fallen upon the world of Tymaera and evil stalks the land. Question is, are a cursed black dragon, an Undead werewolf and a half-fay exile capable of turning back this darkness when they're haunted by shadows of their own making?

A dark tale of love, betrayal, rage, pain and loss. Contains adult language, adult situations (nudity, sexual situations) and violence. Not currently being updated after loss of computer and files.

Leotards rule! Dasien is a superhero in the classic sense. Fun costume. Cool powers. Tons of action. Throw in some relationship drama and kinky humor, and you have Dasien! Superhero girly goodness!

Deadfingers is a story about an indigenous girl and her tribe, struggling to salvage its independence from the imperialistic mainland. Features magic, knife fights, guns, robots and everything else you'll find in the alternate universe.

Adult. As the title suggests, this lurid epic is full of graphic sex and violence... and not a whole lot else! Definitely not for minors, and not for squeamish adults either! You've been warned!

Existence to Extinction is One Short Trip.

ADULT: It's our dreams that give them shape and form and determine what happens to us, good and bad. Dreamwalkers are those that are aware of their Dreamtime - and shape it to their own ends. BDSM, Fetish, Horror, sexual situations.

In the future, even machines will need an angel, and one girl is there to fill in that job position, her name is Angel Love; and her dream will cause a whole cyborg city to erupt into a massive gang war.

Ethereal Legacies is a fantasy-themed comic set in an alternate past Earth. The story line follows two Elven sisters, Bianka and Gatan, set against a backdrop of war between Light and Dark Elves.

A motley lot, mysteriously gathered together on a desolate world, their minds as barren and pristine as the landscapes before them... The only instruction left to them is one cryptic word on a single piece of paper that they each find...

A maiden knight and a cowardly cyborg find themselves stranded together across time and space, lost in an alien wilderness, beset by harsh elements and dangerous foes. To survive, they each have but one clue: a piece of paper with one cryptic word.

The Off-Beat Adventures of a punk chick, a black guy, Siamese Twins and a Robot, with a pinch of mayhem and a smidgen of Tabasco!

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This comic is dead, very dead. Never touching it again dead.

For over a decade, spanning some 4000 nights written in these journals, Lt. David Day Became HERO BY NIGHT, protecting the innocent and punishing evil wherever he could find it, until one day...HE VANISHED. A Platinum Studios comic! Updates Monday-Frid


Joshua Brand is a anachronistic demon hunter in the modern world who is called upon by Detective Sarah Bentley to help investigate a series of brutal serial killings. The killer has chosen his next victim, and Sarah will take whatever help she can...

Set over a thousand years in the future, the world is ruled over by the infamous Lord Styx, whose greatest resistance is a ragtag group of freedom fighters who call themselves "Lifeblood". They are led by Pulse, a dragon/hedgehog with a variety of powers.

An unnamed school gets shot up by crazy cult members who want to build a New World Order. Its fate rests on the shoulders of a loner and an angel. Updates Monday and Friday

My sketchbook of various scribbles,commission art, doodles and short stories.

This is My third webcomic where I will try to cover the "Pet Monster" type of stories. Will be updated when ever I feel Like it.

Adam Zosh is an entertainer, a trainer of Monsters for Gladitorial combat and He is making his way through the Multiverse with his Pet, Taura, in search of fame fortune and the Occassional place to "Frolic".

Welcome to a world where Athena rules as sovereign goddess and priestesses endowned with her power rule the realm of Light which guards and guides an entirely different Moon Kingdom from the forces of hell.

"Omega Chase" is the story of Mack Baron, a man who knows who he is but doesn't know where he's supposed to be.

Follow the stories of hired sword Peppermint and her friends as they travel around getting into zany adventures, many sexual! (adults only!)

A mind-bending tale of alternate realities. They say if you travel the road long enough, you eventually meet yourself. Join Nick Vargas, weary record store clerk, as his life is dramatically changed by an ancient and alien artifact.

Retake follows the adventures of Brad Stone, world-famous actor, as he starts down his path as Relik, a dark superhero with a past shrouded in mystery!

Three inventive teens with talent for building robots are forced to go head to head with a big, unscrupulous Robo-Tech company that wants their robotic designs. Fortunately these kids have some special secrets in their past! Full Color 3D CGI graphics

A character-driven superhero comic, set in the UK? One that's not a spoof? Oh, you'll be wanting Shades then!

The Fomorii were mighty warriors who conquered ancient lands, One Fomorian warrior now stands against a coming evil that is going to destroy the world, Will He succeed and if he does will he pick up where it left off?

In the clash of superheroes and supervillains, a man's wife and daughter become collateral damage. In his despair, regret, and sense of responsibility, he creates humanity's last line of defense against the super-powered individuals dictating their fate.

While on the run from the Cinnamon City authorities, robotic girl Sunhra meets her match at the outskirts of the information highway: a young man with the ability to bend machinery to his will... (Featured by dd in September 2008, and nominated for "Best Philosophical/Spiritual Comic" in the 2010 dd Awards!) COMPLETED IN 2010

Nancy was wandering in the forest when something crossed the sky above, screaming and crashing among the trees. This is how she meets Herbert, a wandering "witchfinder" on the run from demons, who stumbled by sheer luck into the only village they can't approach...

Sexy, adult, porn, fun. You have been warned.

A Sci-Fi Dramatic Series

Cajun-spiced, hot-n-heavy, dark-n-deadly, supernatural science fiction goodness in every ever-lovin' spoonful.

A young red mage unleashes a powerful demon.

Set slightly in the future and just to the left of our reality RCatHC is at times a tongue in cheek hero genre spoof, serious drama, raunchy sexploitation or an action horror scifi porn satire. Join Roni as she discovers the world of the superhuman!

Earth's fate is in the hands of 2 alien races! Luckily 1 of them isn't so bad. Attempting to stop a vicious horde can 2 specially gifted humans (Fenny & Sally) actually turn the tables of balance on this war? Year 2132 Fantasy, SciFi, Action, Adventure

Takes place in a post apocolyptic time period, 10 years after a destructive war that brought the population down to 9 million. Two fugitives escape from the city ward and group up with a tribe of desert nomads, struggling to remain uncaptured.

Connor is caught in a series of disturbing dreams, the only way to stop these dreams is to uncover a secret burried in the past. Only Connor can resolve this puzle through his dreams...

Gaelic, a shape shifting guardian with the ability to become a wolf, faces long forgotten trouble. Betrayed and wounded, hes cast to earth with his friends Hakune and Odina. With the support of a young earth woman, Maysume and a omega wolf, Abba, Gaelic finds that earth is more trouble then he was prepared for. As he is stranded on earth, he soon finds himself racing against time along with others back in the spirit realm as a long forgotten evil resurfaces.

(Hentai, Yaoi, Yuri, Furry)Collection of comics centering around a group of Neopets as they laugh, fall in love, and sometimes just fuck.

In another world ruled by a corrupt theocracy, a group of freedom fighters must disrupt the stranglehold that chokes the nation and avoid an ancient prophesied Armageddon.

The legions of the dark god of ambition are poised to vanquish the last remnants of resistance in Higal and unless the defenders of the free nations find the resolve to turn the odds in their favor they're facing a dark and grim fate.

Adventures of a nice girl devolving into nonsense and lacking any real storyline - occasionally serving as my soapbox or widget.A bit of creative sexual adventure and strange humor.

"Vamp" is 501 years old and loathed by everyone but her scion,Petry and the young witch Raesha.When a doppleganger appears and destroys the little rep she had,Vampyr goes out in search of the culprit but little does she know where this plot will lead her.

Warmage is an Adult Superhero Comic about A Young Man who discovers His destiny to be a great hero. Llewellyn Connor is about to be Initiated into the Coven who has taught Him to use the Powers He gained after the tragic Death of his father. Update T&Th

Llewelyn Connor discovered, at a young age, that He is destined to walk a Heroes path to greatness. However, once he comes to an age to actually do something about it, life decides to play some games with him, When a girl from his past returns with...

Follow Zoe Perks and David Baker as they face the threat of the mysterious disease of lycanthropy and race for a cure. THIS STORY IS NOW FINISHED, COMPLETE!


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