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member since August 08, 2007


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Comics By TheAboriginalOne

  • Fantasy |
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Cosmos Edge, the center planet in the center of the universe, lives the most intelligent beings ever created. Two of them created a card game using all the beings in the universe. This is the story of them, the characters and the worlds in their deck.

Comics Assisted By TheAboriginalOne

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Comics Recomended By TheAboriginalOne

A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?

Earth's fate is in the hands of 2 alien races! Luckily 1 of them isn't so bad. Attempting to stop a vicious horde can 2 specially gifted humans (Fenny & Sally) actually turn the tables of balance on this war? Year 2132 Fantasy, SciFi, Action, Adventure

TheAboriginalOne's friends

  • Darwin
  • Volte6
  • ttyler

forum topics started

Videos Shared By TheAboriginalOne

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Darwin at 5:35PM, May 20, 2009

Thanks for adding me to your friends list!

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