Public Profile


member since December 12, 2006


Born at the age of 0, in a hospital, JiPi was a ordinary boy from Quebec, Canada.

At the age of 11 he start drawing Comics.

Ten years later, he develop a new style of drawing.

Today, hes still a total loser…


Nee a lage de 0 an, dans une hospital, JiPi fut un garcon ordinaire du Quebec.
A lage de neuf ans, il commenca a dessiner des BD; sa premiere etait Le Vengeur Masquee, un hero sans pareil. Puis, vin le tour de Tetar Dog, Le Monde de Clato et Jean Passe.

A 11 ans, apres savoir lui meme dessiner dans les aventure de Tetar, il commenca une BD dont il fesait partie. Celle ci fut apprecier, pres de quatre ans plus tard, par ses nouveaux amis, qui lui demanda de creer une BD de leur bande:
Twit Wars est nee.
Tous avait trois roles a jouer dans cette parodies de Star Wars.
Plus tard, ceci fut changer pour une BD plus conventionnel de leur bande :
Les Stupides Aventure de LaGang.

A lage de 21 ans, JiPi eu envie de changement; cest alors quil changea son style de dessin, son humour et sa tinque a eau chaude.

Aujourdhui, ayant enfin des admirateurs, il se sent fiere davoir dessiner toute sa vie…… hein ? quoi ? il a pas dadmirateur ? …oh… pourquoi je fait la presentation de strouduc dabbord!?

Comics By SummondSkull

  • Fantasy |
  • 8 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Une bande dessinee 100% quebecoise, destiner a un public averti... Mais surtout un test pour voir comment fonctionne le site avant d'y mettre une vrai bande dessinee, completement differente de celle-ci.
  • Fantasy |
  • 16 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Une bande dessinee 100% quebecoise, destinee a un public averti... Aucun achat requis! Cerveau non inclu. Pile vendu separement. ATTENTION! : Peu contenir des traces d'Arachide et/ou de Stupiditer.

Comics Assisted By SummondSkull

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Comics Recomended By SummondSkull

XD Don't read if you're an emo fan!

Aliens taking over the world with their crotches, screaming people dressed up like fruit, and robots made out of the internet. What more could you ask for?


The drunkduck irc channel is constantly empty... time to change that! This comic basically folows the life of Will and Killersteak, along with an array of other characters adventures in IRC land, and hopes to make the list of regulars larger.

Drugs, Planes, Baggage, Love, Mystery and The New World Order. The Blue Sky Experiment. The experimental music semi webtoon comic based on the song "Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizons. LAX will never be the same.

Metal Gear Solid, as it appeared in my United States History notebook last year.

The adventures of Pilli a normal girl and her ex-boyfriend who is now a calavera doll

"Tis a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and furry, yet signifying nothing..."

While T&P started out as an irreverent mixture of visuals, animation, and audio, it is now the home of TWITCH!, a behind the scenes look into the operations at TWITCH! Entertainment, a video game development studio.

Why is it named that? It's just vague enough to work. :D Comic about whatever pops into my head. Be warned, my head is a twisted place :D


SummondSkull's friends

  • mobilepornography
  • croxtonhas
  • Volte6
  • Baka_Inu
  • fern
  • cravingcontrol
  • Tahn
  • killersteak

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