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member since December 12, 2007


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Comics By ReaperOfHeart

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Comics Recomended By ReaperOfHeart

Wade West had it all, he was the sidekick of the world famous Blackhawk! Once tragedy hits, Wade has to learn to live out of his mentor's shadow.

About a teenager named Evan, who goes to a school to teach him how to be a supervillain! But he's no good at it and hilarity ensues!

Beyond Human is a supernatural drama/thriller that revolves around the lives of three individuals: a deadly freak, a self-absorbed punker and the head of a deep black ops agency; a man who can never die, and the things that occur when their worlds collide

In Junction City, there are men and women with strange powers and abilities, the Omega Humans. Ostracized by society, many turn to crime, while a few are employed by JCORP to keep the city safe. But can a corporation be trusted with law enforcement?

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

When the annonynimity of screen names is threatened, two guys who...well...never really cared for eachother to begin with wage an epic battle to decide the fate of internet geeks everywhere...The Drunk Duck Civil War!

The next evolution of martial arts is upon us. Small groups of martial artists are learning to tap into their chi to enhance their abilities. Dubbed chi-ters (cheaters) on the street, the premiere group of the new era is the Cloud Eagles.

Devoid of Life (science fiction horror) Following the discovery of a hidden planet in our solar system, a series of horrible deaths occur at an observatory leading investigators to a plot that threatens all human life.

Zombies are loose on Drunk Duck. A community project of horror and mayhem. Come join in the chaos for this special (m)eating of minds. Leave brains in the slot after 6:00 PM. -The Management

The Fearless are a team of heroes that come together to deal with a plague on the streets of Falcon City

Fraternities and sororities have found a different way to make pledges pay their dues. It's called Ghosting - scaring new recruits out of their wits. What happens when one campus is cursed by a real ghost? A Platinum Studios comic!

For over a decade, spanning some 4000 nights written in these journals, Lt. David Day Became HERO BY NIGHT, protecting the innocent and punishing evil wherever he could find it, until one day...HE VANISHED. A Platinum Studios comic! Updates Monday-Frid

The Heroes Unite #2: The mysterious force that has seiged New Rossco city have revealed themselves to the heroes, but with their leader, Tazer, defeated. They have only one course of action that they can take. Retreat...if they can. Story by: Spudsy - Artwork by: Nepath

Crunch Crakerton, Agent Double Danger, The Free War Messiah and the heroes of Encompass! These are the stories created by the legend in his own mind Kevin Hill! From the Crimefighters of today to the universe spanning adventures of tomorrow!

AF Sergeant Ray Montgomery and Dr. Rebecca Drake have discovered a way to cross over to the shadowy netherworld known as Twilight. Now they must fight their way through an entire demon army to rescue the men that Ray left behind. A Platinum Studios comic!

Dark and twisted,yet stays crunchy in milk! Delicious humor with a fun toy surprise.

Purgatory is a tower that offers a group of convicts a second chance at life, if they can survive the climb. But who built the tower, and for what purpose are they holding this "contest"? The answer lies at the top, if they can manage to reach it.

A character-driven superhero comic, set in the UK? One that's not a spoof? Oh, you'll be wanting Shades then!

A young man with some serious occult abilities and his badass kid sister face the end of space-time, the coming of chaos, and various other goodies in the near future.

The ancient Prometheus gives a gift of power to a young man to defend humanity & Earth from the mad titan Millenium who has just destroyed Manhattan.

The 3rd is a tale of war and strife set in a fictional world filled with magic and mystery. The story follows Max a young soldier that finds himself thrust into a world much bigger than he is. In his journey Max will discover who he really is.

In a world where fantasy and magic are reborn, only one man stands for the ideals of knighthood. He is Terry Lingal, the Errant Apprentice.

The Gods of Arr-Kelaan were mortal once. Now each one is learning the limitations - and lack therof - of their newfound positions as gods. CURRENT STORY "Consequences": New gods learn about their powers, and deal with ancient pantheons. Fun!

The Order -- The Seven Pillars of Freedom. The Galaxy's Greatest Gathering of Superheroes! Silver Age Superhero Adventures in a Digital Age format!

TheRedDeath's story leading up the Drunk Duck's own epic Civil War!

Strange things have started happening in the local cemetery since Fernando Fritz rose from his grave... could this zombie be the cause of all the weirdness, or does it just follow him? Updates every 13th of the month!

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, society is shattered into factions and all live in fear of a second alien invasion. Wren and his team fight to unite the earth against its real enemy: fear itself.

Ben Benson was a slacker comic illustrator until one fateful day when the God of the Dead Anubis gave him the power to turn into a zombie at will. Now he's a slacker superhero bringing the villains of the polluted city of St. Fredericks to justice!


ReaperOfHeart's friends

  • DAJB
  • Volte6
  • frankbyrns
  • SWexY
  • ttyler

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