Public Profile


member since May 05, 2008


So its been a year. HAPPY YEAR!
2008 and parts of 2009 have been utter hell beyond hell. Now now settle down, youll have your chance at throwing rotten fruit at me soon.

First Question: Is Steel Daimond going to be updated anytime soon?

Not exactly soon but next month is a yes. My scanner broke. =_= and I had to wait nearly 5 months to get a new one. By that time I was struggling in school. I do have some sketched out pages ready to go. But editing must happen.

What About Comic Countertop?


What the heck is the new one?

My latest project on guaranteeing I get a ticket to hell. It will become a drawn series when I get home. Currently on vacation where there is no scanner.
Originally, I wanted to call it Immor(t)al. Because this comic focuses on:
and Moral topics.

In short- Im making fun of Human nature and religion.

Comics By InYourFace

  • Fantasy |
  • 5 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
These are real conversations I have with staff and customers at the comic book store I work at formated into comic shorts. MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS.
  • Fantasy |
  • 1 page |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A parody of religious history and human nature. ORIGINALLY I wanted to call this Immor(t)al but DD doesn't allow it.
  • Fantasy |
  • 18 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
An expelled military academy student is hired as a mercenary for an agency with no name. Well.. there is a name, it just changes constantly. A short fuse and unlimited access to weapons, Steel Daimond is the woman you want for the job. Updated Weekly~!

Comics Assisted By InYourFace

No comics.

Comics Recomended By InYourFace

It all started on the fateful day that Epsilon1-F4240 (he calls himself Humphry now) had his turn to empty the rubbish bin at Regalia Accountancy Inc. On this fateful trip to the basement, he acquired a hat. The hat changed everything.

InYourFace's friends

  • SWexY
  • Volte6
  • harryq
  • vicmu

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