Public Profile


member since January 01, 2009


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Comics By Dipti

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Comics Assisted By Dipti

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Comics Recomended By Dipti

So "Demons Mirror" is a comic based loosely off of "The Snow Queen", a story by Hans Christian Andersen. It's updated multiple times each week, and I might throw some other relevant art up here as well from time to time. Enjoy!

Meet Joy Fulbright, an 11 year old tomboy. Joy for the most part, is smarter than the world around her. Shes an angry only child who lives with her divorced mother and is does video blogs, films, and other mischievous activities. Joy ends up living in her own little world with her friends Kimmy and Neil, her schoolyard antagonists Gary and Joanna, and her arch-nemesis...boredom. Updates on Monday and Friday!

Dipti's friends

  • The Satoshi
  • Survival Artist
  • Volte6
  • Chernobog

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Videos Shared By Dipti

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