Quackcast Episode 60 - Jillyfoo interview part two

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 17, 2012


This is Part 2 of my interesting chat with Jillyfoo (popular artist and creator of Demon Eater). Here she chats about various interesting subjects particularly applicable to webcomic creation from what she uses to keep her inspired while working, to how to make money and network at conventions and ...

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Monday Feature -> Indie Bones

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Oct. 3, 2011

Indie Jones gets into a fight with a poser and… somehow gets killed. Then his ghost gets off the wrong stop on the Charon Interspherical Tram, and is assigned to live his afterlife as part of a rather odd family. The Faddums Family. Mom is a familiar-looking pop star, Kramden-esque ...

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Some good news, some sad news, some milestones...

skoolmunkee at 11:16AM, May 29, 2011

A big congratulations to Niccea, site moderator, Mafia princess, and all-around great gal- who has gone off to get married and have a bit of honeymoon! We wish you the best!

Sad news today:
Our pal and long time Heroes Unite/Heroes Alliance collaborator Hero lost his house in ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 26 - Build Audience, Work Hard, Profit! Part 1

Ozoneocean at 4:43AM, May 10, 2011

For the first of this two-parter on making money with webcomics, Skoolmunkee and Ozoneocean are joined by Ronson a.k.a. Chuck Rowles, creator of “The Gods of Arr-Kelaan” and former DD admin.

Listen to QUACKCAST Episode 26 - Build Audience, Work Hard, Profit! Part 1

Site News:
- Kickstarter for The ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:14AM, April 14, 2011

Hocusha, Sorceress for Hire, no job too big or too small! This magical gal does all sorts of odd jobs in order to make a crust, from protecting mafia mob bosses, finding lost dogs, even being a personal shopper and… doing “love” spells. Life is hard as a magician for ...

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skoolmunkee's Wednesday Laff Revue

skoolmunkee at 3:21PM, March 16, 2011

Good evening ladies and germs! How are you all doing tonight? Me, I'm beat! I just flew in from Pittsburgh and boy are my arms tired! I'm gonna do my best to put on a good show for you tonight though, because I have a strong work ethic ...

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CCA charity donation drive, milestones, and don't forget the QUACKCAST (below)!

skoolmunkee at 12:15PM, Jan. 11, 2011

Shaman Quest by Dark Pascual reached 400 pages AND started a new chapter on Monday!

And the 100th page of vwyler's The Unthinkable Hybrid was also on Monday!

And the recently-featured Character Development by Gunwallace has made it to 150 pages “and still going strong at a page-a-day (puff ...

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Another cool offer...THING...on DD! This time involving videogames!

srhdt at 4:14PM, Dec. 21, 2010

Hey DrunkDuckers!

So we've got another offer currently running on DrunkDuck, and it's my job to tell you about it! If you happen to be a fan of videogames, WOWIO has partnered up with a company called VG Market. Basically, what you do is sign up, take videogame-related ...

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24 Hour Comics Day, big fan-art contest, comic casting call, and Used Books in print! (and milestone

skoolmunkee at 1:34PM, Sept. 17, 2010

So Hey, 24 Hour Comics Day is coming up (October 2nd), are you guys doing anything? (If you don't know, that's a day where comic peoples try to make 24 comic pages in 24 hours!) Maybe some of you could get together to at least provide internet-support to ...

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DrunkDuck is mine. MINE! Also here's some news.

skoolmunkee at 11:06AM, July 18, 2010

OK guys! In case you missed the other newspost or I think there were also some forum posts, Ozoneocean is on a well-earned vacation for a couple weeks so I am running the place. He is going to San Diego for two weeks, which makes me very jealous, so I ...

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