Incorporating Catharsis

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 18, 2023

Last time I talked about catharsis I focused on how important it is in a story, whether by its presence or absense. This time I want to talk about how to incorporate it in a story.

To give a brief recap, catharsis is the feeling of release of powerful emotions ...

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The Need for Catharsis

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 28, 2023

Halloween is around the corner!

The swiftly-international-becoming Fright Season, where people dress up and surround themselves in scary imagery and settings. Everything is about the scare, the close brush with death or worse, the thrill of the blood running cold in our veins for seconds before laughing at each other ...

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Character Deep Dive: Polly from Bottomless Waitress

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 21, 2023

Today’s deep dive is with Polly, from Bottomless Waitress! Bottomless Waitress is the joint creation of Banes and Ozoneocean, with Banes writing the script and Ozoneocean doing the artwork.

It's a teasing, raunchy and somewhat absurd slice-of-life comedy. It’s a masterful balancing act, dancing carefree on the ...

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Making Horror Comics

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 12, 2023

image by Banes, based on a story narrated by Lazy Masquerade

Making Horror Comics - a chat with Genejoke

I spoke to Genejoke about making horror comics. GJ makes a lot of comics here on the Duck. He has an anthology series here called Lite Bites, and multiple other series on ...

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Quackcast 656 - Character Growth 2, Indiana Jones

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 10, 2023

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This Quackcast is a sequel to our Quackcast last week on alternative character growth, but instead of Star Wars this time we decided on Indiana Jones. It's a really interesting creative writing exercise, we think up ...

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Just Looking at the Pictures

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 2, 2023

Photo: “A Mutant Trying to Read”. The Uncanny X-Men by Marvel Comics. Animal Farm by George Orwell. Photographed by kawaiidaigakusei. (October 2023)

Rogue: I figured you read this one already. But the cover looked pretty good.

Beast: Thomas Wolfe. An old favorite. I thank you.

Gambit: Beastie is easy to ...

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Religion (part 2)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 30, 2023

Last time I started talking about religion as a great umbrella term for a lot of facets of worldbuilding you can take into consideration when constructing the world of your story, be it webcomic, novel, series, or anything else.

This type of worldbuilding is especially prevalent in fantasy worlds, but ...

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Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 23, 2023

No, no. I promise this is not a post that will go like this:

Nor like this:

Also nothing I say here, is to be religiously followed. (I got that out of my chest, cringing is allowed)

This post is entirely on the issue of worldbuilding religion into your webcomic ...

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Top Five Tales of Bands

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 21, 2023

Having a love of music, forming a band, struggling together, maybe rising to fame and fortune, then falling from those heights, and then figuring out what to do next…it's a version of the Hero's Journey that can be found in real life.

There've been plenty of ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Lauren Ipsum

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 20, 2023

Meet Lauren Ipsum, comical used book salesperson and eccentric librarian extraordinaire, always seen writing semi-biographical “Fix Fics” on a traditional manual typewriter. Accompanying Lauren on her daily adventures is a friendly and chill fox named Dewey (who sometimes needs a haircut). Follow Lauren and Dewey as they stealthily return overdue ...

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