Jan 19
lothar at 9:13AM, Jan. 5, 2024
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006


——–Captain Hello Squirrel—————-
I don't know why so many stories start with the protagonist waking up and then proceed on to several pages of their morning routine. This one is nicely broken by the appearance of a freaking squirrel wearing a pair of pants as a hat and peeing. A brilliant idea. I'm going to use it someday either in comics or on the subway.
I Made this pic to show what I think would happen next

It deals with important issues such as depression, schizophrenia, and the high cost of healthcare as well as probing into the pretentiousness of college art classes and the pressure to give into group-think and making up bullshit answers to pointless questions.

———-Nicotine Bunny—————

This webcomic is only 2 pages and it's about a couple of roomies and one of them smokes and they sleep half naked on the same bed. Maybe they are a gay couple. Anyway the one dude steals the other guys cigarettes cuz “smoking is bad” the smoker dude gets mad and his boyfriend brags about it too his manager at work. His managers babe is Clyde. I think one of the ghosts in Pacman was named Clyde.
Here's My take on whow it ended


If you are a fan of thesauruses and Bionicles getting sliced in “half” then you should read this. These are not just robots. These are gods doing epic war battles over entire worlds. There's a robot named RUBICANTE that I liked to to pronounce in my head like it's a spicy ruby. He's the emperor of the world for four decades. His rights hand henchman had some interesting ideas about leadership.

last edited on Jan. 19, 2024 4:43PM

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