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Started a gofundme for help. (Welp, that was a bust.)
Furwerk studio at 5:03PM, Oct. 9, 2023
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
Long story short, mom and I decide on trying to get out of this mess with gofundme, link link here, and hope to get this spread around.
Anyway, a general update, mom's got a job interview and I had been working on getting some art tiktok going for funding. Storage is way passed due but I am only sweating it a bit and my mom's boyfriend had his car stolen for a bit.
Don't know what else to say but honestly after this experience I am ready to be on my own and kind of start breaking away from this like Twitter and reddit.
I would say more but honestly I am tired, and feeling scattered brained.
J_Scarbrough at 5:12PM, Oct. 9, 2023
posts: 607
joined: 8-23-2022
Good luck. I had to start up a gofundme page for myself a couple of months ago; it was a bust.

Joseph Scarbrough
YouTube :: Facebook :: Instagram
Furwerk studio at 8:25PM, Oct. 9, 2023
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
J_Scarbrough wrote:
Good luck. I had to start up a gofundme page for myself a couple of months ago; it was a bust.
Honestly I never had much luck with Gofundmen in the past, and not having any now because I found out the only “bank” I got now (Cashapp) is not allowed…
Well, that's the shits.

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