Comic Talk and General Discussion *

Hi! whats the best size, pixels, resolution format to web comic here?
memo333 at 9:10AM, March 18, 2021
posts: 159
joined: 1-12-2006

also…size…8-16 bit…black and white..all thx plz.

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usedbooks at 10:20AM, March 18, 2021
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
DD resizes to maximum 950 pixels width. I don't think there is a height limit. Reasonably compressed jpegs seem to work best.
memo333 at 10:53AM, March 18, 2021
posts: 159
joined: 1-12-2006
thx bra

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lothar at 1:21PM, March 28, 2021
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
i was wondering that too . i always set the resolution to 72 pixels per inch , but i forgot why now. i think many people have bigger monitors nowdays so i set it to 40% of the original size and 72 res. its usualy around 600 to 800 wide. the verticle varies a lot. i think a lot more people are using mobile so i try to keep the file size lower.
Ozoneocean at 6:00AM, March 29, 2021
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
A bigger size is best. So go to the maximum of 960 and however long you want the image. That includes you Lother :)

For Mobile all you need to do is to make the panels and the text bigger in relation to your page.
Avart at 11:30AM, March 29, 2021
posts: 132
joined: 2-19-2017
As Ozoneocean said, 960px is the maximum width without resize. The text size is super important to make it bigger, so the reader doesn't need to zoom in to read. I think the longest canvas I've used is 30K pixels, but while in my pc looks good, in my mobile looks pixelated, I think because of the size of the file. I work at 300 dpi and also convert the original file to .jpg at 300 dpi.
last edited on March 29, 2021 11:31AM

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