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Anyone Uses Flash for Comics?
toondoctor at 12:06PM, July 22, 2018
posts: 18
joined: 12-27-2014
Hi. I create Johnny Bullet in Flash except for the colouring which is done in Painter. Anyone uses Flash for their comic work?

I enjoy its freehand drawing tools, I use it for lettering and of course enjoy the vector format.
El Cid at 2:05PM, July 22, 2018
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
I'm not sure, but I've always assumed Skreem's comics are done with Flash. They have that clean vectory look to them.
last edited on July 22, 2018 2:06PM
freakenburger at 3:38PM, July 22, 2018
posts: 240
joined: 12-6-2007
Using Flash to draw comics is kinda rare, I believe. As for me, I use Paint Tool Sai for my lineart and shading, Anime Studio for everything else. The lines end up very smooth on SAI, even though Anime Studio also counts with trace stabilizers. Also used Krita for a little while, but was not impressed.
Ozoneocean at 6:02PM, July 22, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Some people use Illustrator I think.
Using vector programs can be awkward for more complex work…
I LOVE it for my graphic design stuff but it's hard to use for coloured and shaded work.

Many years ago I animated Pinky TA in flash, I had to do a lot of drawing with it. It was an interesting experience.

There used to be a comic on DD called “Alpha Shade” and that was all in the Flash format. I think they drew it in Flash too. That was awesome!
Froggtreecomics at 7:25AM, July 23, 2018
posts: 126
joined: 10-29-2009
My comics are spat out of photoshop CS. I use Flash 5 to make awful animations though, I wouldn't want to draw in flash as it seems very fiddly.

I like old software.
toondoctor at 7:01AM, July 24, 2018
posts: 18
joined: 12-27-2014
I like Frogtree! It looks great!
I come from animation so was used to Flash. That's why I use it for my comic work. Freehand illustration is not a problem in Flash. It has pressure sensitivity and tilt support for styluses like Photoshop and other image processing apps.

People tend to think that Flash is limited to technical and geometric shapes. It's not. My avatar was illustrated with Flash.

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