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It's Been a Hot Minute! SXD returns.
junoblairb at 8:27PM, March 10, 2012
posts: 348
joined: 10-19-2006
This place has certainly changed a lot since I was here last. Admittedly, that was two years ago. Hi, I'm Juno Blair B. I draw a supernatural mess of sarcasm and explosions called which is pretty old but getting some new clothes these days. Looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. :)
last edited on March 11, 2012 4:29AM
Ozoneocean at 4:33AM, March 11, 2012
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Hi juno!
Yes, it IS very different here! Different and still unfinished… heh, I had to fix your link 5 times before I could get to to work right. The forums have javascrit stuff that does weird things to html for some reason.

Most of the hanging around here is done in the General Discussion section and more of that in the rant thread:
That's actually a descendant of a thread Subcultured stated many years ago ^_^
junoblairb at 2:48PM, March 11, 2012
posts: 348
joined: 10-19-2006
Aha! Unfinished. That makes a lot of sense. I like a lot of the changes. I hope I can get my layout and jazz to update at some point but I love how easy it seems.
Right on, man! I will have to go to there and make with the hanging. If it's that old, I might even remember it! Yay, old things, familiar things. It's good to be back!

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