Adult Duck Forum

*** Banner Swap Master Thread ( ! ! ! )
El Cid at 8:41PM, Dec. 3, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Okay, this is the official banner designation thread. Below, I've listed the info for everyone's banner who's taking part (hopefully the list will grow with time!). Every Sunday, I'll add a post letting you all know which banner to run. Since this is a completely voluntary deal, it's entirely up to the banner swap members to make sure they're checking in every week and running the right banner. New banners will be added as new members join. Also, this first week, some of you will get assigned people who don't have a banner. So… in that case, I guess you don't have to run a banner this week! (Three cheers for free advertising!)

The order for the first week was randomly generated using the Sequence Generator at RANDOM.ORG.

Here are the current banners…

BANNER #1: Death P*rn

image url:

link url:
BANNER #2: Dark Sisters

image url:

link url:

BANNER #3: Bhaddland

image url:

link url:
BANNER #4: Busty Solar

image url:

link url:

BANNER #5: Anais

image url:

link url:

image url:

link url:

BANNER #7: Xolta

image url:

link url:
BANNER #8: Blonde Marvel

image url:

link url:
BANNER #9: Tales of Schlock

image url:

link url:
BANNER #10: Re Hash

image url:

link url:
BANNER #11: Angel of Vengeance

image url:

link url:
last edited on Dec. 13, 2011 7:41AM
El Cid at 8:54PM, Dec. 3, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Aaaand here are the first week's banner assignments:
1. El Cid - Banner #3

2. Lopriest - Banner #7

3. Chrisdotclark - Banner #8

4. Prototype - Banner #6

5. Squall Lion - Banner #4

6. Plymayer - Banner #5

7. Dumok - Banner #1

8. Darrellsan - Banner #2

*If anybody has trouble getting their banners set up, check out the How To Add An Adult Duck Banner thread, or contact me and I can help!
last edited on Dec. 3, 2011 8:56PM
El Cid at 9:11PM, Dec. 3, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
There are two other people who have PQed that they're interested, but never posted in the thread, so I didn't add them.
Lopriest at 11:04PM, Dec. 3, 2011
posts: 59
joined: 10-28-2008
Just sent Dumok a PQ so I can get his urls.
chrisdotclark at 7:44AM, Dec. 4, 2011
posts: 25
joined: 11-21-2009
As I had a link to the comic but no banner I added “Click Here” to the 250x150 Adult Duck template and put that up as a temporary measure. Might intrigue someone. I have sent Darrellsan a PQ re the banner… hopefully he will respond soonish.
El Cid at 6:06PM, Dec. 4, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Good luck with those PQs! I'm sure you'll hear back in a month or so…

If they don't have banners in to me in the next couple of days, I'll probably just go ahead and make them some temporaryones, so at least they'll get some promotion when next week's rotations come around.

(though, so far as I'm aware, neither of them have posted a banner on their sites yet)
plymayer at 3:45AM, Dec. 5, 2011
posts: 164
joined: 11-5-2008
Following the intructions you provided appears to have worked somehow :)
Prototype at 11:46AM, Dec. 6, 2011
posts: 46
joined: 5-23-2008
It might be a slightly rough start until people get a habit of checking in every week. I myself got my banner up a bit late but now it's up and running!

This will be a spectacular banner swap party eventually!!!
last edited on Dec. 6, 2011 11:49AM
El Cid at 3:35PM, Dec. 6, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
People are still gradually discovering and opening the PQs I sent out. I've had one or two people say they're not interested, but for the most part, almost everybody who's read the PQ has said they're interested. Just waiting for them to post banners, so I can add 'em into the rotation.
El Cid at 12:01AM, Dec. 8, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
***DELETED 12.10.2011***
last edited on Dec. 10, 2011 2:00PM
El Cid at 1:59PM, Dec. 10, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Here's the posting list for the second week, beginning 12/11/2011.

I've removed Dumok from the list because going back through my PQs I could not find where he stated he was interested, and he has not submitted anything here after a week. So, for the time being, Dumok's out of the rotation.

Like last time, this set of numbers was created by the Random Sequence Generator at

1. El Cid - Banner #6

2. Lopriest - Banner #8

3. Chrisdotclark - Banner #7

4. Prototype - Banner #3

5. Squall Lion - Banner #1

6. Plymayer - Banner #4

7. ArteestX - Banner #2

8. Darrellsan - Banner #5

9. Rampant404 - Banner #11

10. Deceit - Banner #9

11. Fenriswulf Books - Banner #10

***EDIT 12/13/2011: List updated for new participants***
last edited on Dec. 13, 2011 7:47AM
SquallLion at 5:01AM, Dec. 14, 2011
posts: 17
joined: 11-5-2010
oh! I didn't see this thread before!
ok: I have to use the banner#1 this week (for the second time)
El Cid at 7:37PM, Dec. 17, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
I'm looking into a new way of doing the list. Once I figure out how to do it, I'm going to make it available on an HTML page here rather than making you guys scroll through a forum post. Because I can already see how that could get tedious after a while! Hey, this project is still in its infant stages, so we're still trying to find out what works!

Here's the new list for this week:

1. El Cid - Banner #10

2. Lopriest - Banner #6

3. Chrisdotclark - Banner #8

4. Prototype - Banner #7

5. Squall Lion - Banner #3

6. Plymayer - Banner #1

7. ArteestX - Banner #4

8. Darrellsan - Banner #2

9. Rampant404 - Banner #5

10. Deceit - Banner #11

11. Fenriswulf Books - Banner #9
SquallLion at 5:06AM, Dec. 22, 2011
posts: 17
joined: 11-5-2010
Rampant404 don't know the rules :(
rampant404 at 8:23AM, Dec. 22, 2011
posts: 6
joined: 7-27-2010
SquallLion wrote:
Rampant404 don't know the rules :(
Don't get yer knickers in a twist, I've been busy.
SquallLion at 3:59PM, Dec. 22, 2011
posts: 17
joined: 11-5-2010
rampant404 wrote:
SquallLion wrote:
Rampant404 don't know the rules :(

Don't get yer knickers in a twist, I've been busy.
I understood very well
thus, you're mistaken twice! banner#5 is mine XD
rampant404 at 6:06PM, Dec. 22, 2011
posts: 6
joined: 7-27-2010
Ah, my bad: duly noted and problem fixed.
But just as a nickle's worth of free advice SquallLion, it's not a good strategy to antagonize people you're asking favors from. Just saying.
SquallLion at 3:42AM, Dec. 23, 2011
posts: 17
joined: 11-5-2010
rampant404 wrote:
Ah, my bad: duly noted and problem fixed.
But just as a nickle's worth of free advice SquallLion, it's not a good strategy to antagonize people you're asking favors from. Just saying.

I don't asking any favor! I told only you're mistaken, pal.if I would not have done, how you would have known?
last edited on Dec. 23, 2011 3:43AM
El Cid at 5:06AM, Dec. 23, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
It's okay, guys. The whole banner swap thing is completely voluntary, so we don't really have rules. At best they're just suggestions. I'll be putting up a new HTML page later today (hopefully) that should eliminate a lot of issues and make it easier on everybody. This forum list idea is kinda primitive.
Prototype at 8:05AM, Dec. 23, 2011
posts: 46
joined: 5-23-2008
“Fenriswulf” is doing a new spin on this banner exchange with displaying his OWN banner. heh-he :)

Anyway I can see some bad blood appearing out of such scenarios when guy1 doesn't display guy2's banner and then when guy2 is to display guy1's banner he won't do it.

But hopefully we can keep this friendly and peachy. I think we can do it!
last edited on Dec. 23, 2011 8:37AM
SquallLion at 3:17PM, Dec. 23, 2011
posts: 17
joined: 11-5-2010
El Cid wrote:
It's okay, guys. The whole banner swap thing is completely voluntary, so we don't really have rules. At best they're just suggestions. I'll be putting up a new HTML page later today (hopefully) that should eliminate a lot of issues and make it easier on everybody. This forum list idea is kinda primitive.
El Cid at 9:18AM, Dec. 24, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009

From now on, for your banner updates, check the Banner Genie:

NOTE: The currently posted banners are for next week (12/25/2011). Merry Christmas everybody!!!
last edited on Dec. 24, 2011 9:20AM

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