Adult Comics Forum

How to Draw Porno
lothar at 11:04AM, June 11, 2007
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
post your ideas, techniques , questions . specifically about drawing the Sexual Act !
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
gigafelz at 8:24AM, June 12, 2007
posts: 98
joined: 5-6-2007
I really enjoy drawing exaggerated male parts tearing apart young lasses. Puffy nips and full pussy lips abound!.. I'm just not sure what else would look right in the cartoony style I have.

I'm going to try and incorperate different fetishes into my work here on the duck… I think there is a need for it. Like large complicated bondage machines and the like…

Well my porno comic is only 5 pages old and I'm really still discovering that I can draw nice looking things so I'm not sure what else to talk about except my hopes and dreams for it. This is a great idea for a thread I just hope enough of us nudy artists see it and like it.
Everybody wants that fold of matches to reinflate their confidence.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
lothar at 3:36PM, June 12, 2007
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
yea Gig ! i just checked out your comic ! pretty nice , keep it up.

feel free to post in these threads or create new ones here , i want to make this a place where we A rated comic creators on the Duck can converse without worry of curupting the kids or offending the puritans !
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
Locoma at 8:21PM, June 12, 2007
posts: 457
joined: 1-2-2006
haha lothar you just wanted to be a mod

hehe well I used to draw hentai manga with a friend of mine in high school, we learnt some general things in that process:
1) have some hentai manga near you so you can have examples of those hard perspectives of naked bodies, some of them are really, really hard and there are many hentai manga artists that are really talented for that kind of stuff. Copy it without guilt, practice is good.
2) after you finish the page drawings (before inking/coloring) spend a day without looking at it. After that time lapse you will be able to spot the weird things that you missed before. In a subject like porn even small things or details out of place can be unpleasant to your reader (and later to yourself).
3) while writing the story, try to include things that are embarrassing even for yourself ;-)
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
gigafelz at 9:51PM, June 12, 2007
posts: 98
joined: 5-6-2007
Yeah I think having source material around is pretty essential when starting out. I like to look at different positions and copy them at least 3 times. After that I feel comfortable drawing them as a permenant part of my sketch repertoire and then I generally like to tweak everything into something new and cooler (I try not to theft even a photographers work). I am a child of the internet everything needs to be more and more extreme. I hope to eventually violently spiral out of control into something that both arouses and horrifies. I'm still getting the hang of everything though so it's going to be awhile… sex is hard.
Everybody wants that fold of matches to reinflate their confidence.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
MOrgan at 12:35AM, June 13, 2007
posts: 58
joined: 4-1-2006
More of a general art tip, but…

No matter how well you think you know how to draw something periodically go back to basics & draw it from a reference (picture, willing model, video, whatever) because as time goes by some artists start forgetting the proper way to draw something & don't realize it.

It's happened to me & I've seen it happen to other artists as well.
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last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
kennatsu at 6:53AM, June 13, 2007
posts: 149
joined: 2-3-2006
It can get pretty tough, seeing as two bodies are very close together. I tend to use stick figures to see where I want the partners positioned and go from there…
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
Dumok at 3:39PM, June 13, 2007
posts: 230
joined: 11-24-2006
With My comics I just draw the scenes in My head, occassionally using reference material when I am stuck. I then scribble the positions then pencil and Ink before Scanning.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
tea_green at 6:10PM, June 13, 2007
posts: 294
joined: 6-23-2006
I draw and redraw until I've finally got something I'm okay with.

Reference material is almost essential for me. I feel a little dirty for saying this but I really like drawing cumshots. It's funny to draw a girl splattered with jizz…but I have a strange sence of humor.

I try to draw penii good but I think coz I don't have one, I'm at a disadvantage, lol.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
kennatsu at 7:02PM, June 13, 2007
posts: 149
joined: 2-3-2006
I draw and redraw until I've finally got something I'm okay with.

Reference material is almost essential for me. I feel a little dirty for saying this but I really like drawing cumshots. It's funny to draw a girl splattered with jizz…but I have a strange sence of humor.

I try to draw penii good but I think coz I don't have one, I'm at a disadvantage, lol.

Hehe… now I'm tempted to do a story where a lesson in baking ends up in a bath! :)

But I think it'd be better if you wrote it instead. XD
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
Locoma at 7:25PM, June 13, 2007
posts: 457
joined: 1-2-2006
I try to draw penii good but I think coz I don't have one, I'm at a disadvantage, lol.

hahaha, don't worry, you got them right. Go buy some realistic dildo for better reference ;-D
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
Locoma at 7:30PM, June 13, 2007
posts: 457
joined: 1-2-2006
It can get pretty tough, seeing as two bodies are very close together. I tend to use stick figures to see where I want the partners positioned and go from there…

it would be great to see a pic of each step! I do the same, only circles/ovals instead of sticks
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
lothar at 8:35AM, June 14, 2007
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
yea i suck at penis drawing , i guess that's why i usually end up drawing faces on them !

and as far as setting up the original poses , i try to start out with the parts that are going to Connect and work outward from there ,also i kinda stick with the centers of gravity for each sex , i'll post some images next time i feel like booting in win98 so i can use my scanner !
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
tea_green at 8:50AM, June 15, 2007
posts: 294
joined: 6-23-2006
Aww, Lothar, your penii are cute.

Sometimes I'll just randomly skech and I'll look at my surroundings and thing “How can I put sex into that?” Like when I play DBZ Budokai…Then again, I've always thought that way, I just decided to put it down on paper for a change.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
arteestx at 9:15AM, June 15, 2007
posts: 284
joined: 6-1-2007
My issue is about proportions. It's one thing to draw someone standing around, but when you start contorting bodies so that the torso is bent this way, one leg is jutting out that way, etc. then proportions can quickly become a problem. I've started off with some ideas for positions, and then end up drawing folks that look like Giacometti sculptures. “Wait, the left leg is now twice as long as the torso!” So yes, I'll sometimes sketch and resketch weird positions to make sure the proportions are all working out ok.

Perspective is also tricky. I've found that the eye is more forgiving in photos than it is in drawings. In a photo, a weird perspective shot of an arm or leg looks ok. But if you draw that exact same perspective shot and keep every detail, it doesn't look right at all. So while photographic references are very helpful, I usually end up moving things around slightly so it looks ok as a drawing.

Xolta is not intended for anyone under 18 years old.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
gigafelz at 7:06PM, June 15, 2007
posts: 98
joined: 5-6-2007
I can't draw shins… It's the weirdest thing but that proportion always kicks my ass.

Also hand and foot size… but thats really the most common problem people have…

I find that I can't draw sex as well on paper as I can in photoshop. The ability to keep redrawing things without eraser marks and paper wear and tear is amazing.
Everybody wants that fold of matches to reinflate their confidence.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
Kohdok at 6:55PM, June 28, 2007
posts: 772
joined: 5-18-2007
I put a lot of studies into anatomy if I ever draw anything sexual. Let's face it, there is usually very little to cover up with so you can't really cut as many corners. A little google-imaging and you can get a thousand different views of any body part you need (Yes, any). Being anatomically correct (Or as correct as your exaggeration allows) is an important thing in porno comics.

Rather than hentai manga, I sometimes use real-life porn to base my sketches on so I can improve my own style rather than copy somebody else's.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
lothar at 7:29PM, July 2, 2007
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
Rather than hentai manga, I sometimes use real-life porn to base my sketches on so I can improve my own style rather than copy somebody else's.
same here ! plus it gives me an excuse to cram my harddrive full of the stuff !
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
gordyhowitzer at 11:36PM, Sept. 25, 2008
posts: 9
joined: 7-12-2008
I've been watching porn for years, reading porn comics, watching hentai…

One thing I've learned is that, personally, it's a lot more fun for me to make if the people involved actually look/act like they're emotionally involved in it. In porn videos, a lot of the time, the “actors” look like they're just doing a job - which they are.

Comics are more interesting in a way because no matter what emotion the characters are going through, emotion is always (or should always be) there. Ecstasy, boredom, pain, whatever.

Wow, that's a little too much theory right there…

In any case, drawing porn comics is easy - exaggerate everything sexual, diminish things that aren't. Extremely big, or perky, or soft tits, tight holes, spewing juices, Fire Hydrant-sized Cocks…

I never use photographic reference anymore (for people). I find that when I do so, the people start to look inorganic. If I can't figure out how to draw something (usually hand-related) I either look at myself in the mirror, or ask my fiance to pose for me. Very convenient, that. I recommend it.

The hardest thing about it is finding “reasons” for people to have sex - I can't justify a sex scene without some surrounding details, so I draw up character arcs, write story lines, trying always to intersect my characters in interesting ways. The preliminary studies for BooB are literally hundreds (and hundreds) of pages of information on the girls' backstories, political, spiritual, and sexual beliefs, as well as world info (such as detailed floor plans of their apartment, places of work, etc.)

That doesn't include all the “false starts” I've had with it, either. There are an additional 100-odd fully completed pages that will likely never see the light of day for various reasons.

My theory in this (as well as my theory in life) is “If you must do a thing, overdo it.”
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
Mace at 12:51AM, Jan. 29, 2009
posts: 81
joined: 9-19-2007
Google Image Search is your friend. I can't even BEGIN to tell you guys how many times I went there… but how do you actually look up an image of “overhead pussy licking”? The keywords to find what you want are often not what you think. I must have killed at LEAST an hour looking for a couple different reference shots for that last page of Peppermint Saga. lol
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM

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