Stuff About Allan

Allan Shirts?
Allan at 11:21PM, July 28, 2007
posts: 255
joined: 2-15-2007
Kind of a break off of “An Allan Book?”, “Allan Shirts?” is a place to describe what you'd like to see on T-shirts which could be printed through places like cafepress.

So, if you have something you really like in the strip (personally I wouldn't mind seeing just the word “xum” on a shirt, myself) and you'd like to wear that something, tell me, and maybe I can do it. Who knows? All this stuff is rather new.

Thanks guys!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
Zheror at 10:13AM, July 29, 2007
posts: 22
joined: 4-13-2007
Don't flatter yourself. xD
So, let me get this straight: You watched the entire world crumble before your eyes, the entire race of Humanity being smashed by the terrible foot of the Lord, everything you once known and loved being destroyed right infront of you. And all you can think about is jamming a fucking lime into a coconut?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
Fysh at 11:33AM, July 29, 2007
posts: 15
joined: 3-12-2007
I don't know, A blue squire shirt would be pretty awesome.
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daniel_the_drummer at 8:29AM, July 30, 2007
posts: 204
joined: 6-20-2007
XUM? Sounds pretty good on a t-shirt.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
Allan at 3:36PM, July 30, 2007
posts: 255
joined: 2-15-2007
Don't flatter yourself. xD

Hey, when people ask me about something enough I start to think it might be cool. I'm not boosting up my own ego here, I've just had probably 20 different people ask me about shirts and I want to get those out to people if they want them.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
Zheror at 8:18AM, July 31, 2007
posts: 22
joined: 4-13-2007
I see.

By the way, how did you make your avatar? I think that'd be a cool shirt design if the entire shirt was like the background. Maybe. Actually, the color might be a little disturbing at first.
So, let me get this straight: You watched the entire world crumble before your eyes, the entire race of Humanity being smashed by the terrible foot of the Lord, everything you once known and loved being destroyed right infront of you. And all you can think about is jamming a fucking lime into a coconut?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
Allan at 10:27PM, July 31, 2007
posts: 255
joined: 2-15-2007
I scanned in the picture then “Equalized” it in Photoshop. When you scan paper it creates a really cool effect. If I was a professional shirt designer I bet I could do that, but since right now the only capabilities I have are putting bitmaps on the fronts (and backs and pockets) of shirts, I can't really design all the cloth myself.

Though you're right, that would be pretty freakin' awesome.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
Zelix at 9:43AM, Aug. 1, 2007
posts: 1
joined: 5-1-2007
You should make the “Allan the Apathetic” shirt. I'd buy it.
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Wilson at 10:09PM, Aug. 1, 2007
posts: 17
joined: 4-11-2007
Make your own Allan trucker cap.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
Allan at 2:49AM, Aug. 3, 2007
posts: 255
joined: 2-15-2007
Make your own Allan trucker cap.


last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
Wilson at 11:23AM, Aug. 3, 2007
posts: 17
joined: 4-11-2007
That's awesome!
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Talekyn at 2:56PM, Aug. 12, 2007
posts: 12
joined: 5-18-2007
I'd buy the xum shirt, or a Blue Squire shirt … and the hat looks cool too!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
kingofsnake at 2:34PM, Sept. 12, 2007
posts: 1,374
joined: 9-27-2006
I hate trucker hats, but I'd grab that in a second
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heccubus at 1:04AM, Oct. 7, 2007
posts: 72
joined: 3-11-2007
I should add something here…

If you set up a store through CafePress, don't bother with their hats. They ship them in boxes that are too small, and the hats get permanently warped in the process. I had a store set up for through them for a few years, and every hat that was sent out got me the same response: “It's warped and I can't wear it”.
Cafepress is okay for shirts, but for everything else? Iffy.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM
Allan at 12:40PM, Oct. 7, 2007
posts: 255
joined: 2-15-2007
Alright H, I'll remember that, thanks.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:30AM

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