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Comment on the Art Belonging to the Person Above You!!
L.C.Stein at 9:52PM, Oct. 24, 2020
posts: 109
joined: 10-2-2020
Avart, thanks for resurrecting this!

Nice! Not sure if she's wearing anything under the shirt…for the imagination I guess :p (and for any SFW outlets LOL)

I am going to out myself as a weeb, but…from my limited knowledge of trying to learn Japanese from using Duolingo as a pandemic side hobby (I have been so bored during this whole thing)… her shirt reads in Katakana “shi pa pe” but said in reverse is “pep pa shi” or “Pepsi!” SO she must be taking a bathroom mirror selfie :p

I have several favorite katakana words…like “kurisimasu” (Christmas)…I am not sure if this forum will let me post katakana or not…

Anyway, here is some art I did this week inspired by a “drawtober” challenge on Instagram (themes were nature and sunset)

MegaRdaniels at 10:30AM, Nov. 11, 2020
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
L.C.Stein wrote:
Avart, thanks for resurrecting this!

Nice! Not sure if she's wearing anything under the shirt…for the imagination I guess :p (and for any SFW outlets LOL)

I am going to out myself as a weeb, but…from my limited knowledge of trying to learn Japanese from using Duolingo as a pandemic side hobby (I have been so bored during this whole thing)… her shirt reads in Katakana “shi pa pe” but said in reverse is “pep pa shi” or “Pepsi!” SO she must be taking a bathroom mirror selfie :p

I have several favorite katakana words…like “kurisimasu” (Christmas)…I am not sure if this forum will let me post katakana or not…

Anyway, here is some art I did this week inspired by a “drawtober” challenge on Instagram (themes were nature and sunset)

Loving this! I love the composition and the environments here in this picture. It really pulls off the natural look of it all. Though, I kinda miss being on the lake with my pops, so it kinda gave me that nostalgic vibe lol. Again great job dude!

Frae at 8:47PM, Nov. 19, 2020
posts: 85
joined: 1-11-2006

She looks pretty bad a**!

MegaRdaniels at 6:39AM, Jan. 2, 2021
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
He looks like he is exerting a lot of force, ready to kick ALL SORTS OF ASS! Like he is working out to either win a championship at an MMA, wrestling, etc. Loving the colors and the designs of the character! :)

TENSA1 at 6:38PM, Feb. 4, 2021
posts: 5
joined: 1-4-2021
Someone's hungry! I like how she takes up the space of the page. It's very intimidating. She's kind of tall though, but that might have been deliberate. Also nice backgrounds, but maybe you could have used some tone or something to darken it. It's (a bit) distracting, to me at least.


last edited on Feb. 4, 2021 6:47PM
MegaRdaniels at 8:41PM, Feb. 26, 2021
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
TENSA1 wrote:
Someone's hungry! I like how she takes up the space of the page. It's very intimidating. She's kind of tall though, but that might have been deliberate. Also nice backgrounds, but maybe you could have used some tone or something to darken it. It's (a bit) distracting, to me at least.



Thanks! The page hadn't been colored in yet. It is now though. And I am really loving the water colors. Reminded me of Lilo Stitch a little bit and or one of those classic childrens books i used to read when i was a kid. It really brings me back.

It has that warm and nostalgic feeling pretty much. Loving the contrast of the colors.

And the serealness of it all looks badass! Amazing job!

Frenemy at 11:26PM, March 20, 2021
posts: 3
joined: 2-21-2021
MegaRdaniels wrote:
TENSA1 wrote:
Someone's hungry! I like how she takes up the space of the page. It's very intimidating. She's kind of tall though, but that might have been deliberate. Also nice backgrounds, but maybe you could have used some tone or something to darken it. It's (a bit) distracting, to me at least.



Thanks! The page hadn't been colored in yet. It is now though. And I am really loving the water colors. Reminded me of Lilo Stitch a little bit and or one of those classic childrens books i used to read when i was a kid. It really brings me back.

It has that warm and nostalgic feeling pretty much. Loving the contrast of the colors.

And the serealness of it all looks badass! Amazing job!

Awesome work! Really impressive.

last edited on March 20, 2021 11:28PM
Avart at 12:03AM, March 24, 2021
posts: 132
joined: 2-19-2017

Thanks! The page hadn't been colored in yet. It is now though. And I am really loving the water colors. Reminded me of Lilo Stitch a little bit and or one of those classic childrens books i used to read when i was a kid. It really brings me back.

It has that warm and nostalgic feeling pretty much. Loving the contrast of the colors.

And the serealness of it all looks badass! Amazing job!

Wow! This new style looks really awesome and professional. I'm glad your comic are doing so well ;)
The layout, angles and close ups are really top notch.

I'm going for a more simple art this time, here's Kokoro, just posing.

lothar at 5:36AM, April 9, 2021
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
hawt ginger .. i would make her neck a little thinnner , but that's just me
Andreas_Helixfinger at 11:27AM, May 28, 2021
posts: 381
joined: 3-16-2019
Avart wrote:

I'm going for a more simple art this time, here's Kokoro, just posing.

That definitely doesn't look like a chair one would normally pull off a yoga position on. But it doesn't look like it's a problem for Kokoro here. Hell, she looks pretty darn fine doing it too^^ Also, love the subdued, warm color palette on this one. You're a damn good artist, Avart, is what I'm saying👍

Trying to become more active on these forums. This is a piece of artwork I posted on Newgrounds and Weasyl a week ago. Molly Lusc smoking in front of a window. One thing here that I'm really trying to get across with this piece is that in any contest about who'd look the most impressive blowing cigarette smoke from out of their nostrils, Molly with her flexible seal-nostrils would win that contest effortlessly.

Also, one thing I'd like to know from anyone who cares to comment on it, do you find Molly's dress or belt to be over-designed. The idea is that her trademark blue dress is supposed to be sown together from a blue, water-proof rain coat, so that when she merge herself into water, her dress isn't soaked when she gets back on dry land. I feel like I'm not getting that across here.

last edited on May 29, 2021 7:13AM
Ouja Akuma at 6:52PM, April 1, 2022
posts: 2
joined: 3-16-2022

Trying to become more active on these forums. This is a piece of artwork I posted on Newgrounds and Weasyl a week ago. Molly Lusc smoking in front of a window. One thing here that I'm really trying to get across with this piece is that in any contest about who'd look the most impressive blowing cigarette smoke from out of their nostrils, Molly with her flexible seal-nostrils would win that contest effortlessly.

Also, one thing I'd like to know from anyone who cares to comment on it, do you find Molly's dress or belt to be over-designed. The idea is that her trademark blue dress is supposed to be sown together from a blue, water-proof rain coat, so that when she merge herself into water, her dress isn't soaked when she gets back on dry land. I feel like I'm not getting that across here

I get what you're saying! Rain coats have a lot of stitch lines so I would suggest adding that. But if it was a repurposed rain coat, perhaps fine a style of rain coat you like and use elements of that to build the dress? Literally deconstruct it and reconstruct it how you see fit. Because if you didn't say rain coat, I was thinking the dress was more like part of her body like a lizard. So it should have some elements of rain coat aesthetics! Also, rain coats have this plastic feel to it so you should have some bright highlights to showcase that.

But she's really cute regardless, the belt is really unique and should have more emphasis! It's all about the accessories after all.

- - - - - - -

My mine gripe with my art is my coloring. I'm trying to get better at using colors and doing shadows/highlights but I still feel so flat. I don't like softer line art for some reason so maybe that's what's hurting me or if I should find a different coloring style. But regardless, I love how the pose came out and her outfit is super cute. And birds….I'm not good with animals lol

Yaoi, demons, religious stuff.
HawkandFloAdventures at 7:57AM, Aug. 9, 2022
posts: 86
joined: 6-10-2018
There are two above me one is what seems to be a black pig monster smoking in a noir setting. (It looks cool) the other seems to be a forum pic of a girl in a pink dress they both look very good.

The composition on the first drawing is really good I like the nonchalant but anxious pose she's making implying it's been a very long day in the monster's life it feels very human. There's probably some deep sub text in there about how monsters have people traits or how people aren't much different from monsters in a sense.

EDIT I figured out how to put images on here yay! here's a panel from my web series ^^;. I plan to mirror it on here but i'm in the middle of redoing the backgrounds so you folks will get to see the remastered versions of panels first even though i'm further ahead on webtoons atm ^^;.

Hawk and Flo1: Ice Cream Truck of Doom!…

last edited on Aug. 9, 2022 8:04AM
phinmagic at 6:47PM, Aug. 19, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
Gooey! And colorful!

BitterBadger at 8:56AM, Aug. 24, 2022
posts: 54
joined: 2-24-2020
Cthulu lives! (Sorry if it isn't) I like the linework and beefiness of this monster. Always a fan of clean linework.

last edited on Aug. 29, 2022 7:16PM
Russells3709 at 12:14PM, March 30, 2023
posts: 2
joined: 3-30-2023
Love the old black and white art! Reminds me of old shonen comics.

Here's my comic:
Jesse_Koehler at 12:37PM, June 22, 2023
posts: 42
joined: 10-12-2022
I Like your Art Style of The real world. Can See The effort in it. I also Like The Idea that a Dude Lands into a stickman-world.

And Here is a weird way to present a Comic. (Actually to represent 1 character and its properties + The bullshit I got in my head.) But why Not lol
memo333 at 7:35PM, July 16, 2023
posts: 159
joined: 1-12-2006
Jesse_Koehler wrote:
I Like your Art Style of The real world. Can See The effort in it. I also Like The Idea that a Dude Lands into a stickman-world.

And Here is a weird way to present a Comic. (Actually to represent 1 character and its properties + The bullshit I got in my head.) But why Not lol



All my stuff here:
last edited on July 16, 2023 7:37PM
lionclaw at 1:29PM, Oct. 14, 2023
posts: 5
joined: 10-4-2023
Sadly we can't see your art here at the forum. It's an amazing combination of beautiness and horror.
last edited on Oct. 15, 2023 1:06AM
mks_monsters at 9:06AM, Oct. 31, 2023
posts: 106
joined: 6-7-2017
Hmm… that reminds me. I gotta get a new dress. She is lovely like a wildflower. And I love the soft style of colours.

This is the piece I did for Halloween.

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