Featured March 27, 2008
Teen, 136 pages

A lovely black-and-white comic, Cloud Eagle incorporates both American and Japanese style elements to tell what is turning out to be an interesting story. A group of teenagers focused on protecting their urban turf have trained themselves to be superior martial arists and a force for other gangs to fear. This time they may have to deal with more than they bargained for, with a kidnapping and a plot to consolidate gang factions.

Featured March 24, 2008
Everyone, 127 pages

This suspiciously adorable comic consists of the brain bubbles of an artist- all those little, random thoughts and ideas that a person can't get out of their head. It's cute, it's simple, it will give you a little smile on update days. You might even learn something- like even the gloomiest angst-ridden person is still a slave to a mew-ing kitty.

Featured March 20, 2008
Teen, 154 pages

A manga-styled story based on the tale of Faust, a man who sold his soul to the devil in exchange for power and knowledge. The beginning of this comic focuses on Claire, the woman who for some reason feels obligated to the young doctor despite the village's hatred of him. Then again, they have a point- why ISN'T he doing anything about he plague? He seems to just mope around and drink coffee all day.

hiro by sage
Featured March 17, 2008
Everyone, 0 pages

From the fella that brought us Blip and Action comes the story of Hiro, a boy who is learning martial arts at the Oyama School of Defense. Things aren't so serious though- he's not THAT great (yet), although he does try to stop a pink ninja from bullying a kid. When he gets picked on by the rest of the rainbow ninjas he has to explain his side of the story, but…

Featured March 13, 2008
Everyone, 29 pages

A young boy, convinced of his own uselessness, sits down near a bridge in the snow to have a good mope. Soon he gets a strange visitor, Death, who takes the boy with him because he needs an apprentice. The boy must have promise, although Death finds him annoying and stubborn (and probably whiny) from the get-go. how is this going to work out?

Featured March 10, 2008
Teen, 195 pages

A boy wakes up in a London overrun by zombies and other monsters… sound familiar? Well, this comic is nothing like certain movies. In this case, the boy is a monster himself and finds other monsters to team up with in order to first survive, second save the world… Deceptively simple art and a number of endearing characters (not to mention a good ol' monster story) make this a great read!

Featured March 6, 2008
Teen, 119 pages

Te Gustan los comicos del web espanoles?
*snicker* well even if you do, speaking even a single word of Spanish won't help you understand this very funny (but spooky strange) comic! Super cute simplistic art, recommended on a very high LOL to panel ratio!

Featured March 3, 2008
Mature, 0 pages

Like any good silent comic, Action doesn't have any words. Wait, let's try that again. Action is all about action. It's a story conveyed through visuals only- but what visuals they are! The art (kinetic, striking, beautiful, scary) moves things along in this spine-tingly tale of a man battling the supernatural. Mostly it's just really cool!

Featured Feb. 28, 2008
Teen, 45 pages

At every college party, there's someone who shuts themselves in the bathroom and starts throwing up. (At least, that's where you hope they do it.) In this case, it's a girl… with a sword? Who is this failed ninja and how did she end up here? Fun story and likable art- also, Master Buddhafist has a wicked fro.

Featured Feb. 21, 2008
Mature, 33 pages

A pharmacist is run over by a tram and ‘repaired’ by a couple of kind-hearted, experiment-minded hicks. Okay, maybe they aren't hicks, but they're freckled and they have the accent. Abigail takes a very forward fancy to the pharmacist, who doesn't protest too much, but her brother Earl doesn't approve… Rated M!

Featured Feb. 18, 2008
Everyone, 32 pages

In the abandoned ruins of a stony castle, high in the mountains, a young shepherd honors his dead parents. His world is at the end of an era. Things are not completely quiet however - he is interrupted by a battle between a barefoot knight and an enormous warrior. A professional-level fantasy comic with tons of atmosphere!

Featured Feb. 14, 2008
Mature, 88 pages

This unusal and somewhat abstract comic follows the dream of a sleeping stone… or is some of it not a dream? The page-by-page progression of events is certainly dreamlike, describing a continuing chain of actions which build upon each other (with quite a few visual symbolisms to boot). A black dog, a white figure, and a letter…

Featured Feb. 11, 2008
Teen, 134 pages

What if DD webcomics were tv shows, and its characters (or rather, the people who play them) were celebrities? This community project aims to find out! A myriad of ‘actors’ are invited to a mountain resort to get away from the stress and demands of playing their DD roles. Now they have to get some kind of break from each other!

Featured Feb. 4, 2008
Mature, 1 page

Ben has recently moved to Templar, Arizona. It's an unusual town filled with unusual people, including Reagan - a big, brash pottymouth who probably knows everything in the world. While Ben tries to quietly settle in, Reagan takes it upon herself to be his friend and show him the ropes, as well as banish some of his shyness and naivite.

Featured Jan. 28, 2008
Mature, 341 pages

Marshall loves Nate. Marshall is also an enormous naive crybaby, but Nate still loves him, sort of. Nate mostly just needs Marshall's body fluids in order to maintain movement in his body, which has gone on living after his technical death, which understandably causes Marshall some emotional conflict. If you're not into plots, just remember- it's about cute guys and love.

Featured Jan. 25, 2008
Teen, 69 pages

Shanna is an average high school student, except she's a lesbian. She's madly in love with Amy, but the catch is that Amy doesn't want anyone to know. The evil and manipulative Layla knows their secret and uses it to blackmail Shanna into all sorts of things. It's started with making Shanna do Layla's homework, but where will it lead…? Also, Layla is a lesbian too. Lesbians!

Featured Jan. 21, 2008
Everyone, 52 pages

Dave's village is in grave danger- unless he succeeds at a long and dangerous Arctic mission, his home will be destroyed. One problem- Dave is hopelessly inept. His assigned companion Steve (a polar bear) is more capable, thankfully. Will our canasta-loving hero prevail? Well, probably not, but you never know.

Featured Jan. 16, 2008
Teen, 115 pages

This ain't your father's fairy tale! Follow the gritty underworld of fables and folklore! Dynamic drawing and clever colloquy! Pulp Fantasy brings it all together!

Featured Jan. 14, 2008
Teen, 46 pages

While a love-struck (and very emo) protagonist seeks the woman of his desires, his friend is there not so much for support, but for some great comic relief, much to our benefit! An awesomely computer-drawn comic that will indulge the senses, and give you a nice chuckle on occasion!

Featured Jan. 9, 2008
Mature, 46 pages

Johnny is a dead man. He's been killed, but his soul is still trapped inside his (decaying) body. Thankfully, his wife Franny is there for him. Together they follow the chain that leads the way to bring him fully back to life.

Featured Jan. 7, 2008
Everyone, 110 pages

That's right, let the coloured pic suck you in to this masterpiece… But don't get too comfortable! Scorch is gloriously sketchy, black and white and lovely. It's about a young girl, a demon in her closet, devilish deals in souls, Halloween, and candy. Rated E for everyone!

Featured Jan. 2, 2008
Everyone, 146 pages

A band of impressive superheroes have just gotten a new rookie on the team. Will the new guy have what it takes, or will his lack of experience endanger the rest of the crew? Find out as you follow THE ORDER on their adventures against the bad guys! Nice art and some great dialogue! Check it out!

Featured Dec. 28, 2007
Mature, 56 pages

Live vicariously through TnT's autobiography comic, if you like sports (namely hockey), radio shows, and people being jerks to each other. TnT the Comic is a surprisingly funny gag strip with a dirty mouth and lots of chutzpah. The facial expressions are the best part. (Rated M)

Featured Dec. 24, 2007
Mature, 539 pages

Abbey is a gnoph, a human-like creature with a few surprises up her sleeve. One of her unusual traits is her internal parasite named Scut. One of Abbey's (or is it Scut's?) powers is the ability to travel between worlds… but during one trip, she ends up smack in the middle of a medieval revolution. Now she and Will (the person she both saves and damns) need to find the material that will prolong their lives.

Featured Dec. 21, 2007
Teen, 403 pages

This magnificent collaborative project run by Kingofsnake features Drunk Duck artists reinterpreting each others work in imaginative and clever ways. Visit to see pages from some of your favourite Drunk Duck comics drawn by other artists here at DD, see what kind of a job they do and how they do it!
- rated T+


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