Page 21 Bra or bust!

skyangel on May 27, 2024

My memories of Linda's mother are very vague as most of the time I was playing with Linda while she was in another room. I always felt slightly intimated by her as she could be quite sharp at odd moments like the time she told me I should stop saying ‘blimey!’ because it was actually a Biblical reference for asking God to ‘blind me!’
But she was always very welcoming and very rarely ever asked what me and Linda were up to despite my fondness for our dressing up games. She never ever said anything to my mother either.

On a sad note though I found out many years later that she had disowned her own daughter for having a child out of wedlock and being abandoned by the father later on in her life, long after I had lost touch with her and married myself. It haunts me though that I couldn't have been there for the girl who was always so supportive to me.