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member since January 01, 2006


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Comics By DruidJP585

  • Fantasy |
  • 4 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
J is a world hopper. Not any old world hopper, but one who is unknowingly forced to tip the scale in many worlds.

Comics Assisted By DruidJP585

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Comics Recomended By DruidJP585

The story of The De'Ras Brothers, Bounty Hunters for hire in an off beat fantasy world. Things happen and hilarity ensues. Come read it, you know you want to.

A sprite comic made using sprites and backgrounds from Ragnarok Online. The storyline follows a young alchemist as she attempts one of alchemy's greatest feats - the creation of a homonculus.

About a teenager named Evan, who goes to a school to teach him how to be a supervillain! But he's no good at it and hilarity ensues!

An action/adventure/comedy of a ninja mouse out to avenge his late wife and son, as well as little mini adventures he gets involved with by the characters he meets along the way. Rated PG-13. Updated every saturday.

Children might cry. Old people might get offended. And you'll probably want this 15 seconds of your life left.

The once terror of the world, the immortal wizard Darshe the Destroyer was defeated and sentenced to spiritual rehab in the body of a monk boy. Now re-awakened can he escape his clueless prison and regain his power to finish what he started?

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

When the annonynimity of screen names is threatened, two guys who...well...never really cared for eachother to begin with wage an epic battle to decide the fate of internet geeks everywhere...The Drunk Duck Civil War!

A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?

Comic parody of the defunct Aussie soap opera, Paradise Beach!

A cute magical girl comic (in color!) about a girl named Chibi! And all of her little friends. And they have magical items! And Fight bad guys! Weird, spazzy humor with lost of color and cute things! Yeah! Whoo!

An angel and demon are forced to live together in a rare deal between Heaven and Hell.

The lost archives to Elijah and Azuu.

FF4 REAdvance is a humour driven comic (though wont always be funny) that follows the story of Final Fantasy IV. However it seems the characters and plot are not quite how you remember them.

A comic about pirates. Really inept pirates. There are a few sane minds aboard, but they do tend to get drowned out. This often leads to Adventures of the Hilarious sort.

Follows the adventures of Ash, May, and her annoying brother Max as they travel the Hoenn League to do lots of crazy, crazy, things! Yes.

Drawn for the DrunkDuck: Civil War event that's goin on. Hurtle follows the story of Acadia, the speedy veteran hero of Lyon City.

Random,fun and full of vitamins.

Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place

no description

started out to be the back story for ph...

Two Dwarfs, Wheels and Boat are commissioned to start an institute in post war Terra. They are to promote understanding between the former enemy races. Wheels has a pet project as well. Study the Mythical magicless race called Humans that once walked Terr

A black mage on a quest seeking revenge; A naive elf-girl adventurer wannabe who keeps getting into trouble; A sinister and evil power that threatens to destroy the world... Fantasy/Adventure manga.

Think being a teenage witch is easy? Join Amy, Kate, and Ella as they experience the fun of being a witch; fun such as having to pick flying monkey fur out of your clothes and accidently turning your boyfriend into a girl. Isn't magick fun?

A young woman enters into a school of high magic. Will she discover her potential as a Mage? Or is there another destiny for her?

Join Mark and all his crazy friends as they found out all the crazy things that could happen in high school.

Follow the adventures of the dark witch Meryl and her werewolf minion Gin as they fend off overly affectionate vampires, rival witches, dangerous dungeons and annoying village kids looking for adventure.

Take a group of the video game characters and have them roam the universe, have reality be a program on a laptop belonging to an imp creature, and you'll have Mixed Bag Comics. (And yes, if it's not obvious, this IS a sprite comic)

Nerdcore: The Core Wars - the nerdcore comic for hardcore nerds. A continuing sci-fantasy story composed of individual "shaggy-dog" stories. Featuring the nerdiest jokes in the multiverse! What happens when a Technomancer and a Summoner walk into a bar?

Night School: Kojo Academy It is midnight, do you know where your kids are? Well if you are a creature of the night, they should be in Night School!


Welcome to the wonderful world of NPC! Where we don't give a crap about Heroes! updates when we can!

Boozeahol Mother Truckers

Ranu, a strange young boy, finds himself pushed into the quest of searching for Crysthel, the Crystal Dragon of All Knowledge and the artifact she is imprisoned within. She's his only chance of finding his long lost friend, but what other powers seek it?

Take a trip over the edge of everyday life. Gaming and girls also included... sometimes. You may not get some of the jokes, but hey, at least the pictures are pretty.

Join May, a beginning trainer, and her two new friends, Hayley and Taylor, as they travel through the Kanto region in hopes of May fulfilling her dream of becoming a Pokemon Coordinator Master!

The discolored PoKeMoN have always been hunted as trophies. Now a discolored Larvitar named Flint, with a few friends, forms an underground society of discolored PoKeMoN! Updates each Saturday around 3:00 PM.

I once had this comic post guest comics for 4 years straight, that's how good I am at this comic thing WICKED

3 out of 5 pookas enjoy this comic..

The world's greatest web comic about a single guy in a heavy metal band who also teaches!!! A comic about the stuff guys like!

Demons have taken over Tusita, the heaven, slaughtering the angels in an all-out war with the gods. Fearing for their daughter's safety, the Gods send her to Amara, entrusting her with the Core of the earth to hide her. But, fourteen years later...

Chapter 8 "Blood of the Gods"! Will a group of college friends be able to find and rescue a one time acquaintance? Ended

As a secret organization aims to resurrect a destructive, nubile (nubile?!?) force, an unlikely group of heroes rises up to stop them. Via the power of a Dimensional Portal, they'll go from Golden Axe to Tekken and back again to stay - nineteen eternal.

One-liners, one-note jokes, and one heckuva dumping ground for effects experiments! It's Spritely!

SUPAH NARIO BROTHERS! it's like naruto but it's not. it's more like mario, but not really. it's just...oekaki parody crap! as seen at

The Gods of Arr-Kelaan were mortal once. Now each one is learning the limitations - and lack therof - of their newfound positions as gods. CURRENT STORY "Consequences": New gods learn about their powers, and deal with ancient pantheons. Fun!

Random cartoons & series from the mind of Keith Alan Morgan. Updates when real life gives me time enough to finish a comic.

Over the years, childhood friends Carter and Barran have grown apart, but their bitter feud turns deadly and the life of a young girl named Elora is at stake. As events unfold, a promise made between childhood friends could change the world forever...

Two friends enter the limitless potential of the VRC (Virtual Reality Console), and embark on the adventures they've always dreamed of. Well, in videogames, anyway...

TOTAL MADNESS! a comic of somewhat random events, and a story line!...But then again it might just be random..So join Marklar, Dak, Vaati, Kevin, Leon, ant the rest of the TM crew to encounter forces of ebil random!

J is a world hopper. Not any old world hopper, but one who is unknowingly forced to tip the scale in many worlds.


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F_Allen at 1:31AM, June 16, 2007

a real druid wowsers ;) cheers for the add - frank [url=]dream music[/url]

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