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Writers! Lite bites needs you.
Genejoke at 11:02AM, May 28, 2014
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
I would love to run a slightly more collaborative comic in lite bites. By this I mean rather than taking one script and one artists and making magic I would like to try the heroes alliance formula and have one slightly longer story drawn by several artists.
First of all, we need a script!
Ideally between 10-20 pages long it can be of any theme or tone, bar porn. It could be comedy, hard drama, a sci fi mini epic. whatever your imagination can provide.
Why am I asking for writers plural?
Because there is always a need for scripts with lite bites and I'm getting low.
What about artists?
Artists are always sought after, but to catch the best fish you need the right bait, am I right?
What happens to the other scripts?
I will happily add them to the pile of undrawn scripts and try to find artists for them.
Is there a deadline?
Lets randomly say 30th june 2014. that's for scripts.
Can I enlist that many artists?
Probably not, as with many of these things certain artists may elect to do more than one page. i will do at least one page of it myself. However I really want the community spirit back with Lite Bites. anyone and everyone can contribute if they wish.
last edited on May 28, 2014 11:08AM
Gunwallace at 1:02PM, May 28, 2014
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
I wouldn't mind trying to draw someone else's script for a change. laso, I'll send you some short scripts soon.
David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
Ozoneocean at 8:31PM, May 28, 2014
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
What would you think about the script for the latest DDlive play, Operation Moon 2? Would that be suitable for submission to Lite Bites?
Genejoke at 10:53PM, May 28, 2014
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Yes it would, a little cross promotion might be good.
Ozoneocean at 2:17AM, May 29, 2014
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Shared it with you on Google Docs ^_^
Genejoke at 7:06AM, May 29, 2014
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Have it, great character designs, makes referenceing easier.
I will need to work on page breakdowns to make it a comic script, btu very amusing.
AzuJOD at 11:15PM, May 30, 2014
posts: 376
joined: 8-14-2007
I would like to write a script. Any instructions on how you want it submitted?
RySmith13 at 12:07PM, May 31, 2014
posts: 2
joined: 5-31-2014
Also willing to take a break from my main comic to stretch my creativity for this project. I'm new to the forums, and only just getting back into theDuck after many years away. Buut I'm willing to write a short story for the comic if you're willing to take a look.
Genejoke at 11:58AM, June 1, 2014
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
you can send scripts to me via pq or email
I will always look at scripts and try and find artists for them.
Format? however you want, but with page breakdowns is helpful,
AzuJOD at 9:19AM, June 8, 2014
posts: 376
joined: 8-14-2007
Sent you a script by email.
Genejoke at 11:57AM, June 22, 2014
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Sorry for late reply,, life got hectic. Thanks to all who replaid and submitted scripts. i will setup an artist call out thread very soon. have a number of scripts but one I think the first I will try for a multi artist approach with be operation moon 2 as it's already a DD community effort and we can add to that.
Ozoneocean at 7:52PM, June 25, 2014
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Wow, cool Genejoke! :)
irrevenant at 8:49PM, July 4, 2014
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Question re: Lite Bites: Do stories submitted to Lite Bites have to be exclusive? Or can they be posted both in Lite Bites and another comic?

What about comics that are kind of stand-alone side-stories related to another comic?

And yes, I *am* considering shameless self-(and-others)-promotion, why do you ask? :P
last edited on July 4, 2014 8:50PM
Genejoke at 2:28AM, July 7, 2014
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
No they don't have to be exclusive or stand alone, however the better they work self contained… the better.

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